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Classical concerts featuring
Daniel Kluge


Quick overview of musician Daniel Kluge by associated keywords

New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Daniel Kluge became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Thu, Oct 2, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), James Kryshak (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sat, Oct 4, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), James Kryshak (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sun, Oct 5, 2025, 18:00
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Herodes), Doris Soffel (Herodias), Ambur Braid (Salome), Kyle Ketelsen (Jochanaan), Aebh Kelly (Page), Oleksiy Palchykov (Narraboth), James Kryshak (1. Jude), Colin Aikins (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (4. Jude), Keith Klein (5. Jude), Nicholas Mogg (1. Nazarener), William Desbiens (2. Nazarener), Hubert Kowalczyk (1. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Daniel Kluge in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Hamburg


Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 19:30
Finnegan Downie Dear (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorleitung), Christopher Purves (Falstaff), Simon Keenlyside (Ford), Seungwoo Simon Yang (Fenton), Jürgen Sacher (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Tigran Martirossian (Pistola), Danielle de Niese (Alice Ford), Olivia Warburton (Nannetta), Anna Kissjudit (Mrs. Quickly), Kady Evanyshyn (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Hamburg


Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 19:00
Finnegan Downie Dear (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorleitung), Christopher Purves (Falstaff), Simon Keenlyside (Ford), Seungwoo Simon Yang (Fenton), Jürgen Sacher (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Tigran Martirossian (Pistola), Danielle de Niese (Alice Ford), Olivia Warburton (Nannetta), Anna Kissjudit (Mrs. Quickly), Kady Evanyshyn (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Hamburg


Thu, Apr 10, 2025, 19:30
Finnegan Downie Dear (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorleitung), Christopher Purves (Falstaff), Simon Keenlyside (Ford), Seungwoo Simon Yang (Fenton), Jürgen Sacher (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Tigran Martirossian (Pistola), Danielle de Niese (Alice Ford), Olivia Warburton (Nannetta), Anna Kissjudit (Mrs. Quickly), Kady Evanyshyn (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sat, Jun 7, 2025, 19:30
Alexander Soddy (Musical Director), Peter Hoare (Herodes), Claudia Mahnke (Herodias), Vida Miknevičiūtė (Salome), Christopher Maltman (Jochanaan), Clare Presland (Page), Florian Panzieri (Narraboth), Ziad Nehme (1. Jude), Jürgen Sacher (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Aaron Godfrey-Mayes (4. Jude), Hubert Kowalczyk (5. Jude), Liam James Karai (1. Nazarener), Nicholas Mogg (2. Nazarener), David Minseok Kang (1. Soldat), Karl Huml (2. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Thu, Jun 12, 2025, 19:30
Alexander Soddy (Musical Director), Peter Hoare (Herodes), Claudia Mahnke (Herodias), Vida Miknevičiūtė (Salome), Christopher Maltman (Jochanaan), Clare Presland (Page), Florian Panzieri (Narraboth), Ziad Nehme (1. Jude), Jürgen Sacher (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Aaron Godfrey-Mayes (4. Jude), Hubert Kowalczyk (5. Jude), Liam James Karai (1. Nazarener), Nicholas Mogg (2. Nazarener), David Minseok Kang (1. Soldat), Karl Huml (2. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sat, Jun 14, 2025, 19:30
Alexander Soddy (Musical Director), Peter Hoare (Herodes), Claudia Mahnke (Herodias), Vida Miknevičiūtė (Salome), Christopher Maltman (Jochanaan), Clare Presland (Page), Florian Panzieri (Narraboth), Ziad Nehme (1. Jude), Jürgen Sacher (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Aaron Godfrey-Mayes (4. Jude), Hubert Kowalczyk (5. Jude), Liam James Karai (1. Nazarener), Nicholas Mogg (2. Nazarener), David Minseok Kang (1. Soldat), Karl Huml (2. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Wed, Jun 18, 2025, 19:30
Alexander Soddy (Musical Director), Peter Hoare (Herodes), Claudia Mahnke (Herodias), Vida Miknevičiūtė (Salome), Christopher Maltman (Jochanaan), Clare Presland (Page), Florian Panzieri (Narraboth), Ziad Nehme (1. Jude), Jürgen Sacher (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Aaron Godfrey-Mayes (4. Jude), Hubert Kowalczyk (5. Jude), Liam James Karai (1. Nazarener), Nicholas Mogg (2. Nazarener), David Minseok Kang (1. Soldat), Karl Huml (2. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Thu, Oct 2, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), James Kryshak (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sat, Oct 4, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), James Kryshak (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sun, Oct 5, 2025, 18:00
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Herodes), Doris Soffel (Herodias), Ambur Braid (Salome), Kyle Ketelsen (Jochanaan), Aebh Kelly (Page), Oleksiy Palchykov (Narraboth), James Kryshak (1. Jude), Colin Aikins (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (4. Jude), Keith Klein (5. Jude), Nicholas Mogg (1. Nazarener), William Desbiens (2. Nazarener), Hubert Kowalczyk (1. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Tue, Oct 7, 2025, 19:00
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Herodes), Doris Soffel (Herodias), Asmik Grigorian (Salome), Kyle Ketelsen (Jochanaan), Aebh Kelly (Page), Oleksiy Palchykov (Narraboth), James Kryshak (1. Jude), Colin Aikins (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (4. Jude), Keith Klein (5. Jude), Nicholas Mogg (1. Nazarener), William Desbiens (2. Nazarener), Hubert Kowalczyk (1. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Wed, Oct 8, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), Jürgen Sacher (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Thu, Oct 9, 2025, 19:30
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Herodes), Doris Soffel (Herodias), Asmik Grigorian (Salome), Kyle Ketelsen (Jochanaan), Aebh Kelly (Page), Oleksiy Palchykov (Narraboth), James Kryshak (1. Jude), Colin Aikins (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (4. Jude), Keith Klein (5. Jude), Nicholas Mogg (1. Nazarener), William Desbiens (2. Nazarener), Hubert Kowalczyk (1. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Sun, Oct 12, 2025, 19:30
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Herodes), Doris Soffel (Herodias), Asmik Grigorian (Salome), Kyle Ketelsen (Jochanaan), Aebh Kelly (Page), Oleksiy Palchykov (Narraboth), James Kryshak (1. Jude), Colin Aikins (2. Jude), Daniel Kluge (3. Jude), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (4. Jude), Nicholas Mogg (1. Nazarener), William Desbiens (2. Nazarener), Hubert Kowalczyk (1. Soldat), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
Under the face of the wandering moon, spirit and body quarrel in all their greatness and wretchedness until the blood of two bodies flows. Strauss remains close to Wilde's re-creation of the biblical material, which leads Salome from her mother's tool to autonomy. It is she who, in her unfulfilled desire for the liberatingly different, the body of the prophet Jochanaan, seeks revenge and demands his head - a price the male-dominated society around Herod is willing to pay for their dance. Now that Salome holds his severed head in her hands, she can kiss Jochanaan, possess him if not alive, then dead. As if under a burning glass, Strauss pours Oscar Wilde's demonic dramaturgy into sound like an eruption of the psyche, accompanying his protagonist from her failed escape from the decadence of her existence to her death. Production: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Lighting: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Tatiana Verestchagina, Janina Zell
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Wed, Oct 15, 2025, 19:30
Valerio Galli (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Wolfgang Koch (Falstaff), Andrii Kymach (Ford), Granit Musliu (Fenton), Jürgen Sacher (Dr. Cajus), Daniel Kluge (Bardolfo), Hubert Kowalczyk (Pistola), Elbenita Kajtazi (Alice Ford), Narea Son (Nannetta), Kristina Stanek (Mrs. Quickly), Katja Pieweck (Meg Page), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Sir John Falstaff is an anarchist who obeys only the reign of his own enjoyment, an egoist who feeds only his power-hunger and his own flesh, and who would prefer to raze the small-minded morals of his contemporaries like the walls of a fortress – by seducing two women at the same time. Needless to say, his plan is thwarted, but those trying to expose him also fail to emerge unruffled from the confusion they unleash around him – which only the audience can keep track of, barely. “Tutto nel mondo è burla,” but these jokes are only funny because falling into the abyss actually does pose quite a serious risk. Arrigo Boito, the librettist of “Otello”, distilled a sophisticated, ingenious libretto from Shakespeare’s original, driving Verdi to highly complex compositional heights. Director: Calixto Bieito Set Designer: Susanne Gschwender Costume Designer: Anja Rabes Dramaturgy: Bettina Auer Lighting Designer: Michael Bauer Premiere: January 19th 2020
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Ariadne auf Naxos

Sun, Nov 16, 2025, 19:00
Johannes Debus (Musical Director), Wolfram Koch (Theseus), Anja Kampe (Ariadne), Nadezhda Pavlova (Zerbinetta), Jamez McCorkle (Bacchus), Martin Gantner (Musiklehrer), Annika Schlicht (Komponist), Colin Aikins (Ein Offizier), William Desbiens (Perückenmacher), Keith Klein (Betrunkener Gast), Nicholas Mogg (Harlekin), Florian Panzieri (Scaramuccio), Daniel Kluge (Brighella), Olivia Warburton (Najade), Aebh Kelly (Dryade), Marie Maidowski (Echo), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
"It is a simple and tremendous problem of life: that of fidelity", is how Hugo von Hofmannsthal described the core of their third opera together, Ariadne auf Naxos, in a letter to Richard Strauss. To live does not mean to persevere and hold on to what has been lost. If you want to live, you have to let go, forget, get over yourself - constantly transform yourself. This is what a young opera composer experiences in this work when he is confronted with the stubborn wishes of his patron; just like the protagonist of his opera, Ariadne, who, abandoned by her lover, Theseus, expects only death. But things turn out differently... Strauss and Hofmannsthal let the opposites collide: Tragedy and comedy, light music and grand opera, playfulness and seriousness. Thus, in the mirroring of art and life, between gaze and gaze, the unfathomable mystery of transformation takes place. Musical Direction: Kent Nagano Production and stage: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Light Design: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle, Michael Sangkuhl, Tatiana Werestchagina
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Ariadne auf Naxos

Fri, Nov 21, 2025, 19:00
Johannes Debus (Musical Director), Wolfram Koch (Theseus), Anja Kampe (Ariadne), Jamez McCorkle (Bacchus), Martin Gantner (Musiklehrer), Annika Schlicht (Komponist), Colin Aikins (Ein Offizier), William Desbiens (Perückenmacher), Keith Klein (Betrunkener Gast), Nicholas Mogg (Harlekin), Florian Panzieri (Scaramuccio), Daniel Kluge (Brighella), Olivia Warburton (Najade), Aebh Kelly (Dryade), Marie Maidowski (Echo), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
"It is a simple and tremendous problem of life: that of fidelity", is how Hugo von Hofmannsthal described the core of their third opera together, Ariadne auf Naxos, in a letter to Richard Strauss. To live does not mean to persevere and hold on to what has been lost. If you want to live, you have to let go, forget, get over yourself - constantly transform yourself. This is what a young opera composer experiences in this work when he is confronted with the stubborn wishes of his patron; just like the protagonist of his opera, Ariadne, who, abandoned by her lover, Theseus, expects only death. But things turn out differently... Strauss and Hofmannsthal let the opposites collide: Tragedy and comedy, light music and grand opera, playfulness and seriousness. Thus, in the mirroring of art and life, between gaze and gaze, the unfathomable mystery of transformation takes place. Musical Direction: Kent Nagano Production and stage: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Light Design: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle, Michael Sangkuhl, Tatiana Werestchagina
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Ariadne auf Naxos

Fri, Nov 28, 2025, 19:00
Johannes Debus (Musical Director), Wolfram Koch (Theseus), Anja Kampe (Ariadne), Jamez McCorkle (Bacchus), Martin Gantner (Musiklehrer), Annika Schlicht (Komponist), Colin Aikins (Ein Offizier), William Desbiens (Perückenmacher), Keith Klein (Betrunkener Gast), Nicholas Mogg (Harlekin), Florian Panzieri (Scaramuccio), Daniel Kluge (Brighella), Olivia Warburton (Najade), Aebh Kelly (Dryade), Marie Maidowski (Echo), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
"It is a simple and tremendous problem of life: that of fidelity", is how Hugo von Hofmannsthal described the core of their third opera together, Ariadne auf Naxos, in a letter to Richard Strauss. To live does not mean to persevere and hold on to what has been lost. If you want to live, you have to let go, forget, get over yourself - constantly transform yourself. This is what a young opera composer experiences in this work when he is confronted with the stubborn wishes of his patron; just like the protagonist of his opera, Ariadne, who, abandoned by her lover, Theseus, expects only death. But things turn out differently... Strauss and Hofmannsthal let the opposites collide: Tragedy and comedy, light music and grand opera, playfulness and seriousness. Thus, in the mirroring of art and life, between gaze and gaze, the unfathomable mystery of transformation takes place. Musical Direction: Kent Nagano Production and stage: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Light Design: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle, Michael Sangkuhl, Tatiana Werestchagina
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)

Wed, Dec 3, 2025, 19:30
Keren Kagarlitsky (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), Hubert Kowalczyk (Sarastro), Eliza Boom (Pamina), Chao Deng (Speaker), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Priester), Aleksandra Olczyk (Königin der Nacht), Narea Son (Erste Dame), Kady Evanyshyn (Zweite Dame), Michal Doron (Dritte Dame), Andrew Hamilton (Papageno), Daniel Kluge (Monostatos), Marie Maidowski (Papagena), Jürgen Sacher (Erster Geharnischter), Keith Klein (Zweiter Geharnischter), Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Drei Knaben), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides are prevented, tests passed, adventures survived. Who is right? Who has been wronged? The world of the magic flute is opaque, and everyone is looking for a pathway: within it, into it or out of it. Who holds the reigns? Who can be trusted? Could it be music? Director: Jette Steckel Set Designer: Florian Lösche Costume Designer: Pauline Hüners Dramaturgy: Johannes Blum, Carl Hegemann Video: EINS[23].TV (Alexander Bunge) Lighting Design: Paulus Vogt Premiere: 23.9.2016 Please note that stroboscope effects and partly very bright lights are being used.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Ariadne auf Naxos

Thu, Dec 4, 2025, 19:00
Johannes Debus (Musical Director), Wolfram Koch (Theseus), Anja Kampe (Ariadne), Nadezhda Pavlova (Zerbinetta), Jamez McCorkle (Bacchus), Martin Gantner (Musiklehrer), Annika Schlicht (Komponist), Colin Aikins (Ein Offizier), William Desbiens (Perückenmacher), Keith Klein (Betrunkener Gast), Nicholas Mogg (Harlekin), Florian Panzieri (Scaramuccio), Daniel Kluge (Brighella), Olivia Warburton (Najade), Aebh Kelly (Dryade), Marie Maidowski (Echo), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra)
"It is a simple and tremendous problem of life: that of fidelity", is how Hugo von Hofmannsthal described the core of their third opera together, Ariadne auf Naxos, in a letter to Richard Strauss. To live does not mean to persevere and hold on to what has been lost. If you want to live, you have to let go, forget, get over yourself - constantly transform yourself. This is what a young opera composer experiences in this work when he is confronted with the stubborn wishes of his patron; just like the protagonist of his opera, Ariadne, who, abandoned by her lover, Theseus, expects only death. But things turn out differently... Strauss and Hofmannsthal let the opposites collide: Tragedy and comedy, light music and grand opera, playfulness and seriousness. Thus, in the mirroring of art and life, between gaze and gaze, the unfathomable mystery of transformation takes place. Musical Direction: Kent Nagano Production and stage: Dmitri Tcherniakov Costumes: Elena Zaytseva Light Design: Gleb Filshtinsky Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle, Michael Sangkuhl, Tatiana Werestchagina
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)

Wed, Dec 10, 2025, 19:00
Keren Kagarlitsky (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), Hubert Kowalczyk (Sarastro), Dovlet Nurgeldiyev (Tamino), Eliza Boom (Pamina), Chao Deng (Speaker), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Priester), Aleksandra Olczyk (Königin der Nacht), Narea Son (Erste Dame), Kady Evanyshyn (Zweite Dame), Ida Aldrian (Dritte Dame), Andrew Hamilton (Papageno), Daniel Kluge (Monostatos), Marie Maidowski (Papagena), Jürgen Sacher (Erster Geharnischter), Keith Klein (Zweiter Geharnischter), Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Drei Knaben), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides are prevented, tests passed, adventures survived. Who is right? Who has been wronged? The world of the magic flute is opaque, and everyone is looking for a pathway: within it, into it or out of it. Who holds the reigns? Who can be trusted? Could it be music? Director: Jette Steckel Set Designer: Florian Lösche Costume Designer: Pauline Hüners Dramaturgy: Johannes Blum, Carl Hegemann Video: EINS[23].TV (Alexander Bunge) Lighting Design: Paulus Vogt Premiere: 23.9.2016 Please note that stroboscope effects and partly very bright lights are being used.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)

Thu, Dec 18, 2025, 19:00
Keren Kagarlitsky (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), Hubert Kowalczyk (Sarastro), Dovlet Nurgeldiyev (Tamino), Eliza Boom (Pamina), Chao Deng (Speaker), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Priester), Aleksandra Olczyk (Königin der Nacht), Narea Son (Erste Dame), Kady Evanyshyn (Zweite Dame), Ida Aldrian (Dritte Dame), Andrew Hamilton (Papageno), Daniel Kluge (Monostatos), Marie Maidowski (Papagena), Jürgen Sacher (Erster Geharnischter), Keith Klein (Zweiter Geharnischter), Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Drei Knaben), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides are prevented, tests passed, adventures survived. Who is right? Who has been wronged? The world of the magic flute is opaque, and everyone is looking for a pathway: within it, into it or out of it. Who holds the reigns? Who can be trusted? Could it be music? Director: Jette Steckel Set Designer: Florian Lösche Costume Designer: Pauline Hüners Dramaturgy: Johannes Blum, Carl Hegemann Video: EINS[23].TV (Alexander Bunge) Lighting Design: Paulus Vogt Premiere: 23.9.2016 Please note that stroboscope effects and partly very bright lights are being used.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)

Sat, Jan 3, 2026, 19:00
Keren Kagarlitsky (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), Hubert Kowalczyk (Sarastro), Dovlet Nurgeldiyev (Tamino), Liv Redpath (Pamina), Chao Deng (Speaker), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Priester), Aleksandra Olczyk (Königin der Nacht), Narea Son (Erste Dame), Kady Evanyshyn (Zweite Dame), Ida Aldrian (Dritte Dame), Andrew Hamilton (Papageno), Daniel Kluge (Monostatos), Marie Maidowski (Papagena), Jürgen Sacher (Erster Geharnischter), Keith Klein (Zweiter Geharnischter), Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Drei Knaben), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides are prevented, tests passed, adventures survived. Who is right? Who has been wronged? The world of the magic flute is opaque, and everyone is looking for a pathway: within it, into it or out of it. Who holds the reigns? Who can be trusted? Could it be music? Director: Jette Steckel Set Designer: Florian Lösche Costume Designer: Pauline Hüners Dramaturgy: Johannes Blum, Carl Hegemann Video: EINS[23].TV (Alexander Bunge) Lighting Design: Paulus Vogt Premiere: 23.9.2016 Please note that stroboscope effects and partly very bright lights are being used.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

La Traviata

Wed, Jan 7, 2026, 19:00
Carlo Goldstein (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Elbenita Kajtazi (Violetta Valery), Ida Aldrian (Flora Bervoix), Aebh Kelly (Annina), Anthony Ciaramitaro (Alfredo Germont), Kartal Karagedik (Giorgio Germont), Daniel Kluge (Gastone), Nicholas Mogg (Il Barone Douphol), Hubert Kowalczyk (Il Marchese d'Obigny), Ilia Kazakov (Il Dottore Grenvil), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Giuseppe), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Violetta is the most sought-after courtesan of the Parisian demimonde. However, her encounter with Alfredo makes her pleasure-seeking life seem questionable: they fall in love and try to build a life for themselves, far from the fast pleasures of the city. Her past, however, catches up with Violetta. Alfredo’s father persuades her that a separation is the only way to restore his family honour. Alfredo, unaware of the true reasons for her decision, insults Violetta in public. When they are finally reunited, Violetta has run out of time. Giuseppe Verdi was on the lookout for such a provocative, innovative tale when he encountered the novel La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In the spring of 1852 he saw the “Lady of the Camellias” as a play adapted by the writer himself at the Vaudeville Theatre in Paris. The impression this made on him strengthened his resolve to use the tale for his next opera; the story gave him an opportunity to reformulate his grand theme: love defeated by the resistance of society. Director: Johannes Erath Stage Designer: Annette Kurz Costume Designer: Herbert Murauer Lighting Designer: Olaf Freese Dramaturgy: Francis Hüsers Premiere: 17.02.2013
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

La Traviata

Sun, Jan 11, 2026, 16:00
Omer Meir Wellber (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Elbenita Kajtazi (Violetta Valery), Ida Aldrian (Flora Bervoix), Aebh Kelly (Annina), Anthony Ciaramitaro (Alfredo Germont), Kartal Karagedik (Giorgio Germont), Daniel Kluge (Gastone), Nicholas Mogg (Il Barone Douphol), Hubert Kowalczyk (Il Marchese d'Obigny), Ilia Kazakov (Il Dottore Grenvil), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Giuseppe), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Violetta is the most sought-after courtesan of the Parisian demimonde. However, her encounter with Alfredo makes her pleasure-seeking life seem questionable: they fall in love and try to build a life for themselves, far from the fast pleasures of the city. Her past, however, catches up with Violetta. Alfredo’s father persuades her that a separation is the only way to restore his family honour. Alfredo, unaware of the true reasons for her decision, insults Violetta in public. When they are finally reunited, Violetta has run out of time. Giuseppe Verdi was on the lookout for such a provocative, innovative tale when he encountered the novel La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In the spring of 1852 he saw the “Lady of the Camellias” as a play adapted by the writer himself at the Vaudeville Theatre in Paris. The impression this made on him strengthened his resolve to use the tale for his next opera; the story gave him an opportunity to reformulate his grand theme: love defeated by the resistance of society. Director: Johannes Erath Stage Designer: Annette Kurz Costume Designer: Herbert Murauer Lighting Designer: Olaf Freese Dramaturgy: Francis Hüsers Premiere: 17.02.2013
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Der fliegende Holländer

Tue, Jan 13, 2026, 19:00
Kazushi Ono (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), David Leigh (Daland), Simone Schneider (Senta), Attilio Glaser (Erik), Katja Pieweck (Mary), Daniel Kluge (Der Steuermann Dalands), Michael Volle (Der Holländer), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Senta's dreams are directed towards the sea: will the man who will free her from her restricted life at home come from there? It begins stormily; Wagner's first fully valid opera presents a grandiose, overwhelming vision of the elements already in the overture. The fate of the Flying Dutchman and the woman who is to redeem him takes place in the roar of the waves and the ocean. This "romantic opera" aims to transcend boundaries - between tradition and future music, between land and sea, between convention and revolution. The result is a thrilling drama telling the story of a young woman who refuses to submit, who puts all her stakes on one card in order to transcend her boundaries, even if it costs her her life. Production: Michael Thalheimer Stage: Olaf Altmann Costumes: Michaela Barth Lighting: Stefan Bolliger Dramaturgy: Ralf Waldschmidt Choir: Eberhard Friedrich Premiere on: 23.10.2022
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

La Traviata

Fri, Jan 16, 2026, 19:00
Carlo Goldstein (Musical Director), Alice Meregaglia (Chorus), Elbenita Kajtazi (Violetta Valery), Ida Aldrian (Flora Bervoix), Aebh Kelly (Annina), Anthony Ciaramitaro (Alfredo Germont), Kartal Karagedik (Giorgio Germont), Daniel Kluge (Gastone), Nicholas Mogg (Il Barone Douphol), Hubert Kowalczyk (Il Marchese d'Obigny), Ilia Kazakov (Il Dottore Grenvil), Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya (Giuseppe), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Violetta is the most sought-after courtesan of the Parisian demimonde. However, her encounter with Alfredo makes her pleasure-seeking life seem questionable: they fall in love and try to build a life for themselves, far from the fast pleasures of the city. Her past, however, catches up with Violetta. Alfredo’s father persuades her that a separation is the only way to restore his family honour. Alfredo, unaware of the true reasons for her decision, insults Violetta in public. When they are finally reunited, Violetta has run out of time. Giuseppe Verdi was on the lookout for such a provocative, innovative tale when he encountered the novel La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In the spring of 1852 he saw the “Lady of the Camellias” as a play adapted by the writer himself at the Vaudeville Theatre in Paris. The impression this made on him strengthened his resolve to use the tale for his next opera; the story gave him an opportunity to reformulate his grand theme: love defeated by the resistance of society. Director: Johannes Erath Stage Designer: Annette Kurz Costume Designer: Herbert Murauer Lighting Designer: Olaf Freese Dramaturgy: Francis Hüsers Premiere: 17.02.2013
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Der fliegende Holländer

Sat, Jan 17, 2026, 19:00
Kazushi Ono (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), David Leigh (Daland), Simone Schneider (Senta), Attilio Glaser (Erik), Katja Pieweck (Mary), Daniel Kluge (Der Steuermann Dalands), Michael Volle (Der Holländer), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Senta's dreams are directed towards the sea: will the man who will free her from her restricted life at home come from there? It begins stormily; Wagner's first fully valid opera presents a grandiose, overwhelming vision of the elements already in the overture. The fate of the Flying Dutchman and the woman who is to redeem him takes place in the roar of the waves and the ocean. This "romantic opera" aims to transcend boundaries - between tradition and future music, between land and sea, between convention and revolution. The result is a thrilling drama telling the story of a young woman who refuses to submit, who puts all her stakes on one card in order to transcend her boundaries, even if it costs her her life. Production: Michael Thalheimer Stage: Olaf Altmann Costumes: Michaela Barth Lighting: Stefan Bolliger Dramaturgy: Ralf Waldschmidt Choir: Eberhard Friedrich Premiere on: 23.10.2022
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Der fliegende Holländer

Fri, Jan 23, 2026, 19:00
Kazushi Ono (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), David Leigh (Daland), Simone Schneider (Senta), Attilio Glaser (Erik), Katja Pieweck (Mary), Daniel Kluge (Der Steuermann Dalands), Jordan Shanahan (Der Holländer), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Senta's dreams are directed towards the sea: will the man who will free her from her restricted life at home come from there? It begins stormily; Wagner's first fully valid opera presents a grandiose, overwhelming vision of the elements already in the overture. The fate of the Flying Dutchman and the woman who is to redeem him takes place in the roar of the waves and the ocean. This "romantic opera" aims to transcend boundaries - between tradition and future music, between land and sea, between convention and revolution. The result is a thrilling drama telling the story of a young woman who refuses to submit, who puts all her stakes on one card in order to transcend her boundaries, even if it costs her her life. Production: Michael Thalheimer Stage: Olaf Altmann Costumes: Michaela Barth Lighting: Stefan Bolliger Dramaturgy: Ralf Waldschmidt Choir: Eberhard Friedrich Premiere on: 23.10.2022
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Der fliegende Holländer

Fri, Jan 30, 2026, 19:00
Kazushi Ono (Musical Director), Christian Günther (Chorus), David Leigh (Daland), Simone Schneider (Senta), Attilio Glaser (Erik), Katja Pieweck (Mary), Daniel Kluge (Der Steuermann Dalands), Jordan Shanahan (Der Holländer), Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg (Orchestra), Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper (Chorus)
Senta's dreams are directed towards the sea: will the man who will free her from her restricted life at home come from there? It begins stormily; Wagner's first fully valid opera presents a grandiose, overwhelming vision of the elements already in the overture. The fate of the Flying Dutchman and the woman who is to redeem him takes place in the roar of the waves and the ocean. This "romantic opera" aims to transcend boundaries - between tradition and future music, between land and sea, between convention and revolution. The result is a thrilling drama telling the story of a young woman who refuses to submit, who puts all her stakes on one card in order to transcend her boundaries, even if it costs her her life. Production: Michael Thalheimer Stage: Olaf Altmann Costumes: Michaela Barth Lighting: Stefan Bolliger Dramaturgy: Ralf Waldschmidt Choir: Eberhard Friedrich Premiere on: 23.10.2022