Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)
Date & Time
Wed, Dec 3, 2025, 19:30This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides... Read full text
Keywords: Opera
Keren Kagarlitsky | Musical Director |
Christian Günther | Chorus |
Hubert Kowalczyk | Sarastro |
Eliza Boom | Pamina |
Chao Deng | Speaker |
Mziwamadoda Sipho Nodlayiya | Priester |
Aleksandra Olczyk | Königin der Nacht |
Narea Son | Erste Dame |
Kady Evanyshyn | Zweite Dame |
Michal Doron | Dritte Dame |
Andrew Hamilton | Papageno |
Daniel Kluge | Monostatos |
Marie Maidowski | Papagena |
Jürgen Sacher | Erster Geharnischter |
Keith Klein | Zweiter Geharnischter |
Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper | Drei Knaben |
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg | Orchestra |
Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper | Chorus |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) |