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VOCES8 Love Endureth. Lieder von Liebe und Abschied

Date & Time
Sun, May 25, 2025, 16:00
VOCES8, renowned for their perfect blend of flawless execution and lively stage presence, return to Heidelberg. Their unique appeal stems from their captivating sound and innovative fusion of old and new, sacred and secular music. Artistic director Barnaby Smith aims for concerts that evoke both laughter and tears. This performance explores love, loss, and eternity, promising an emotional journey.

A summary from original text in German | Read the original

Keywords: Liedfestival

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VOCES8Vocal Ensemble


Roxanna PanufnikLove Endureth
Caroline ShawAnd the Swallow
Edward ElgarLux Aeterna
Hubert ParrySongs of Farewell
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Last update: Tue, Mar 4, 2025, 24:09

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