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Classical concerts featuring
Gerrit Illenberger


Quick overview of musician Gerrit Illenberger by associated keywords

CitiesFrequently performs in


MusiciansFrequently collaborate with

Gerold Huber

New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Gerrit Illenberger became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Heidelberg

Debütreihe Gerrit Illenberger. Gerold Huber Zwischen Himmel und Erde

Sat, May 31, 2025, 17:00
Gerrit Illenberger (Bariton), Gerold Huber (Piano)
Two years ago, baritone from Heidenheim impressed audiences at the Heidelberg Spring Song Academy. Now, a member of the Semperoper ensemble, he returns to Heidelberg with his former teacher's piano partner. The concert will feature settings of poems by Eichendorff, Verlaine, Mallarmé, and texts from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn". The concert will be performed without intermission.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Gerrit Illenberger in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Heidelberg

Debütreihe Gerrit Illenberger. Gerold Huber Zwischen Himmel und Erde

Sat, May 31, 2025, 17:00
Gerrit Illenberger (Bariton), Gerold Huber (Piano)
Two years ago, baritone from Heidenheim impressed audiences at the Heidelberg Spring Song Academy. Now, a member of the Semperoper ensemble, he returns to Heidelberg with his former teacher's piano partner. The concert will feature settings of poems by Eichendorff, Verlaine, Mallarmé, and texts from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn". The concert will be performed without intermission.