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Classical Concerts at
Aula der Alten Universität Heidelberg


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These concerts at Aula der Alten Universität Heidelberg became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

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In Heidelberg

Szymon Nehring

Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 19:30
Szymon Nehring (Piano)
Since winning the International Rubinstein Competition in 2017, Szymon Nehring has been one of the most sought-after pianists of his generation. In Heidelberg, the Polish high-flyer presents three major works of the classical-romantic repertoire: Beethoven's first piano sonata, dedicated to Joseph Haydn, and his Sonata op. 31/3, nicknamed "La Chasse"; and Schumann's Symphonic Etudes. The concert also includes a 7-minute discussion highlighting characteristic aspects of the program.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Signum Quartett Schubert in Soweto

Wed, Mar 26, 2025, 17:00
Signum Quartett (Streichquartett)
Dieter Schnebel's essay "In Search of Liberated Time" explored Schubert's late works and their unique handling of time. South African violist Xandi van Dijk of the Signum Quartet connects this theme to the 30th anniversary of the end of apartheid. The quartet commissioned South African composers and will perform Schubert in Soweto. A pre-concert talk will be held at 4 pm.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Ruby Hughes. Manchester Collective End of My Days

Sat, Mar 29, 2025, 17:00
Ruby Hughes (Soprano), Manchester Collective (Streichquartett)
Soprano Ruby Hughes commented on her program "End of My Days," created with the Manchester Collective during the first COVID-19 lockdown: "Music always has the potential to speak to us, to comfort us, and to help us feel understood." The program's songs by John Dowland, Claude Debussy, Gustav Mahler, and other composers, including contemporary ones, empathetically explore themes of love, loss, and separation. Mahler's "Urlicht" conveys the confidence that we will return to where we came from when we enter eternity. The title song by Errollyn Wallen embraces death and celebrates life.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts at Aula der Alten Universität Heidelberg in season 2024/25 or later

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Next week
In Heidelberg

Szymon Nehring

Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 19:30
Szymon Nehring (Piano)
Since winning the International Rubinstein Competition in 2017, Szymon Nehring has been one of the most sought-after pianists of his generation. In Heidelberg, the Polish high-flyer presents three major works of the classical-romantic repertoire: Beethoven's first piano sonata, dedicated to Joseph Haydn, and his Sonata op. 31/3, nicknamed "La Chasse"; and Schumann's Symphonic Etudes. The concert also includes a 7-minute discussion highlighting characteristic aspects of the program.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Schubert-Tag Sternath. Chang. Hagen. Carrel. Baillieu. Brauß. Katzenberger Matinee

Sun, Mar 23, 2025, 11:00
Hana Chang (Violin), Julia Hagen (Cello), Lukas Sternath (Piano), Kieran Carrel (Tenor), James Baillieu (Piano), Elisabeth Brauß (Piano), Kristian Katzenberger (Horn)
On March 26, 1828, the first anniversary of Beethoven's death, Franz Schubert held his first and only public concert featuring his own works in Vienna. The program included his song "Auf dem Strom," the grand E-flat major Piano Trio D 929, along with other songs and chamber music. The concert featured celebrated local artists, much like this performance with "spring" talents surrounding pianist Lukas Sternath. This includes Schubert's late E-flat major Piano Trio, known for its heavenly lengths.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Familienkonzert Lauschzeit I

Sun, Mar 23, 2025, 16:00
Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Žilvinas Brazauskas Klarinette), Nelly Sautter (Moderator), Magdalena Erhard (Concept)
Inspired by the festival motto "Liberated Time", Michael Ende's character Momo invites you to an afternoon listening time on the first festival Sunday. Like Momo, the family concert features young musicians from the festival campus ensemble. Truly listening can bring magical surprises!
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In Heidelberg

Familienkonzert Lauschzeit II

Sun, Mar 23, 2025, 17:30
Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Žilvinas Brazauskas Klarinette), Nelly Sautter (Moderator), Magdalena Erhard (Concept)
Inspired by the festival motto "Liberated Time", Michael Ende's character Momo invites you to an afternoon listening session. Like Momo, who shared her time by listening, the family concert features young musicians from the Festival Campus Ensemble. Truly listening can work magic, bring surprises, and open hearts.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Schulkonzert Lauschzeit

Mon, Mar 24, 2025, 11:00
Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Žilvinas Brazauskas Klarinette), Nelly Sautter (Moderator), Magdalena Erhard (Concept)
Inspired by the festival motto "Liberated Time", Michael Ende's character Momo invites you to an afternoon listening session on the first festival Sunday. Like Momo, the festival concert dedicates time to young musicians. The concert is for elementary schools; registration is required. The concert ticket costs €5 for students, and up to 4 accompanying persons per class are free.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Kebyart Saxophonquartett Dem Himmel so nah

Tue, Mar 25, 2025, 17:00
Kebyart (Saxophonquartett)
The Kebyart Saxophone Quartet, comprised of four Catalonians, is captivating international audiences with their divine saxophone performances. Their Heidelberg program features a range of music from sacred choral works to Purcell's fantasies and Clara Schumann's "Fugitive Pieces," arranged for saxophones. Even Jörg Widmann, initially skeptical of the genre, was impressed by the quartet's sound culture. Their program is topped off by Widmann's "7 Capricci" and a new piece by Mikel Urquiza.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Signum Quartett Schubert in Soweto

Wed, Mar 26, 2025, 17:00
Signum Quartett (Streichquartett)
Dieter Schnebel's essay "In Search of Liberated Time" explored Schubert's late works and their unique handling of time. South African violist Xandi van Dijk of the Signum Quartet connects this theme to the 30th anniversary of the end of apartheid. The quartet commissioned South African composers and will perform Schubert in Soweto. A pre-concert talk will be held at 4 pm.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Schulkonzert Signum Quartett

Thu, Mar 27, 2025, 11:00
Signum Quartett (Streichquartett)
„Bridge the chasms that divide“ – mit einem Projekt unter diesem Titel widmet sich das Signum Quartett mit ihrem aus Südafrika stammenden Bratschisten Xandi Van Dijk dem Ende der Apartheit dort vor 30 Jahren. Trennende Gräben zu überwinden, diese Mission klingt vermutlich auch in den Ohren vieler junger Menschen vertraut; so ließe sie sich ohne weiteres auch auf aktuelle Situationen in unserem Zusammenleben anwenden. Über Fragen von Demokratie und Freiheit möchte das Signum Quartett deshalb in seinem Konzert für Schulklassen mit Jugendlichen ins Gespräch kommen. Es erklingen unter anderem Werke junger südafrikanischer Komponist*innen, die eigens für das Projekt erschaffen wurden.Für Schulklassen der Stufen 9-135 € für Schüler*innen, bis zu 4 Begleitpersonen pro Klasse kostenlosAnmeldung bei Franziska Spohr unter
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This month
In Heidelberg

Sitkovetsky Trio In memoriam

Thu, Mar 27, 2025, 17:00
Sitkovetsky Trio (Piano Trio)
While the Sitkovetsky Trio is working on its Beethoven cycle, their Heidelberg concert takes a different direction. Ukrainian composer Lena Sierova's piano trio commemorates the Bucha massacre victims. The program also features Shostakovich's poignant Piano Trio No. 2, a memorial to Ivan Sollertinsky, reflecting the pain of war. Mendelssohn's Piano Trio in D minor offers a glimmer of hope amidst the suffering.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Lukas Sternath. Festivalcampus-Ensemble Böhmen liegt am Meer

Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 17:00
Lukas Sternath (Piano), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Benjamin Günst Violine)
The most ambitious musicians born around the millennium are no longer content just playing the old masterpieces. They listen to each other, question the world, and explore new program ideas. The canonical scores serve as a cultural base. When Festival campus ensemble members join the pianist Lukas Sternath, they'll play Dvořák's piano quintet.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Liedakademie Öffentliche Meisterklasse II mit Thomas Hampson

Sat, Mar 29, 2025, 11:00
Stipendiat*innen der Heidelberger Frühling Liedakademie, Thomas Hampson (Künstlerischer Leiter)
In a public masterclass, baritone Thomas Hampson works with scholarship holders of the Heidelberg Spring Song Academy on musicality, technique, and expression in art song. The audience has a unique opportunity to experience the next generation of song artists and witness Thomas Hampson, one of the greatest song interpreters of our time, at work. Free admission for students upon booking a free ticket.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Ruby Hughes. Manchester Collective End of My Days

Sat, Mar 29, 2025, 17:00
Ruby Hughes (Soprano), Manchester Collective (Streichquartett)
Soprano Ruby Hughes commented on her program "End of My Days," created with the Manchester Collective during the first COVID-19 lockdown: "Music always has the potential to speak to us, to comfort us, and to help us feel understood." The program's songs by John Dowland, Claude Debussy, Gustav Mahler, and other composers, including contemporary ones, empathetically explore themes of love, loss, and separation. Mahler's "Urlicht" conveys the confidence that we will return to where we came from when we enter eternity. The title song by Errollyn Wallen embraces death and celebrates life.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Katharina Konradi. Catriona Morison. Ammiel Bushakevitz Duft. Farbe. Klang

Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 11:00
Katharina Konradi (Soprano), Catriona Morison (Mezzo-Soprano), Ammiel Bushakevitz (Piano)
Soprano Katharina Konradi and mezzo-soprano Catriona Morison present an evening of vocal duets exploring poetic moments of life and the intricate paths of love. Accompanied by pianist Ammiel Bushakevitz, they perform works by Brahms, Schumann, Chausson, Fauré, the Viardot sisters, Maria Malibran, Mel Bonis, and Fernando Obradors' "Canciones clásicas españolas".
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In Heidelberg

Anton Mejias Wohltemperiert II

Tue, Apr 1, 2025, 17:00
Anton Mejias (Piano)
The Well-Tempered Clavier is a compositional milestone. Bach traverses all keys, demonstrating contrapuntal possibilities. The second part is rarely performed due to its difficulty. Finnish-Cuban pianist Anton Mejias has continuously explored Bach's piano works and considers the Well-Tempered Clavier an inseparable whole, able to bring out the inherent poetry of each pair.
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In Heidelberg

Goldscheider. Festivalcampus-Ensemble Öffentliche Probe

Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 11:00
Ben Goldscheider (Horn), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Chiara Sannicandro Violine)
The audience may experience horn player Ben Goldscheider and members of the Campus Festival Ensemble's take on Mozart's Horn Quintet before the official performance at Heidelberg University. The concert will be at 5 p.m. For more information and tickets please check here.
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Next month
In Heidelberg

Goldscheider. Guarrera. Festivalcampus-Ensemble Horn-Metamorphosen

Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 17:00
Ben Goldscheider (Horn), Giuseppe Guarrera (Piano), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Chiara Sannicandro Violine)
Ben Goldscheider returns to Heidelberg with a program featuring Brahms, Ligeti, Widmann, Mozart, Schumann, and Simpson. His selection explores the horn's timbral and symbolic versatility. Widmann's "Air" creates illusions of near and far using natural harmonics. Mozart's Horn Quintet and concerto showcase the horn's solo potential. From Schumann's romanticism, the program shifts to Widmann's sadistic hunt and Simpson's nocturnal thrill. A public rehearsal will take place at 11 am.
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In Heidelberg

Cuarteto Casals. Eckart Runge Schuberts Schönstes

Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 17:00
Cuarteto Casals (Streichquartett), Eckart Runge (Cello)
The award-winning Cuarteto Casals celebrates over 25 years of success, bringing Spanish music from their homeland and Schubert's finest to Heidelberg. The program features popular Andalusian folklore-rooted works by Joaquín Turina and elegant music by Basque composer Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga. Cellist Eckart Runge joins for Schubert's String Quintet, a poignant work composed shortly before the composer's death. The concert will be recorded and broadcast. An introductory talk will be held on March 9, 2025.
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Next month
In Heidelberg

Anna El-Khashem. Keval Shah Was blüht denn da?

Fri, Apr 4, 2025, 17:00
Anna El-Khashem (Soprano), Keval Shah (Piano)
Anna El-Khashem, who declared her ambition to be an opera singer as early as kindergarten, launched an impressive career, joining the Saint Petersburg Conservatory at 17 and the Bavarian State Opera's studio three years later. In 2018, she won the International Mozart Competition in Salzburg and recently debuted there as Zerlina. Her Heidelberg debut features romantic flower songs and Russian art songs.
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In Heidelberg

Giorgi Gigashvili Hinter den Spiegeln

Sat, Apr 5, 2025, 17:00
Giorgi Gigashvili (Piano)
Georgian pianist Giorgi Gigashvili balances his classical career with his passion for experimental electronic music. In 2025, he returns to Heidelberg with a program featuring Ravel's "Miroirs," Bardanashvili's "Postlude," Ustvolskaya's Sonata No. 6, and Prokofiev's War Sonata No. 1. This concert is part of the Culture Circle of German Business's music prize, awarded to Gigashvili in 2024 for his exceptional stage presence and musicality.
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In Heidelberg

Cuarteto SolTango Astor und seine Brüder

Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 15:00
Cuarteto SolTango (Thomas Reif Violine)
The 1940s and 1950s were the golden age of Tango, before Astor Piazzolla revolutionized the scene with Tango Nuevo. Cuarteto SolTango dedicates itself to this rich, yet overshadowed repertoire, from Anibal Troilo to Lucio Demare, and even pioneers of Tango Nuevo. Their unique instrumentation delivers powerful sounds reminiscent of old Argentinian orchestras, yet includes a full range of chamber music sound colors, inspiring both classical music fans and Tango aficionados.
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In Heidelberg

re:start Mittagskonzert in der Altstadt

Tue, Apr 8, 2025, 12:45
Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Gorka Plada Klavier), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles (Concept)
Ein kurzes Abtauchen in Musik als Auszeit im Alltag. Mittagskonzerte mit jungen Musiker*innen haben beim Heidelberger Frühling Musikfestival Tradition. Dieses Jahr laden Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles zum Musikgenuss bei freiem Eintritt im altehrwürdigen Saal der Alten Universität.Auf dem Programm stehen Werke, die der spanische Pianist Gorka Plada entsprechend dem Festivalmotto aus der musikalischen Welt des Impressionismus und der Romantik ausgewählt hat und die für ihn das Gefühl des der Zeit enthobenen Wanderns und Suchens vertonen, von Franz Schubert, Claude Debussy, Toru Takemitsu und Maurice Ravel.Dauer 45 MinutenEintritt frei – Spenden sind willkommen
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In Heidelberg

Mariani Klavierquartett

Tue, Apr 8, 2025, 19:30
Mariani Klavierquartett
The Mariani Piano Quartet consists of Berliner Philharmoniker member Philipp Bohnen, Gewandhaus violist Barbara Buntrock, hr-Sinfonieorchester cellist Peter-Philipp Staemmler, and pianist Gerhard Vielhaber. They champion rediscovered works like Friedrich Gernsheim's piano quartets, banned by the Nazis due to his Jewish heritage. The program also features Gernsheim's romantic first quartet, Bohuslav Martinů's energetic quartet, and Antonín Dvořák. A 7-minute discussion explores aspects of the program.
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In Heidelberg

Cheng² Duo Geschwisterglück hoch zwei

Wed, Apr 9, 2025, 17:00
Cheng² Duo (Bryan Cheng Violoncello)
Der Cellist Bryan Cheng, 2022 bereits re:start-Künstler und 2024 Mitglied des Festivalcampus-Ensembles, ist dieses Jahr nun zum ersten Mal mit einem eigenen Konzert beim „Frühling“ zu erleben: Für dieses Debüt bringt er seine Schwester, die Pianistin Silvie Cheng, mit. Gemeinsam bilden sie seit 2011 das Cheng² Duo. Tatsächlich musiziert das kanadisch-chinesische Geschwisterpaar aber schon seit frühester Kindheit zusammen. Das familiäre Band machen Bryan und Silvie auch zum Thema ihres Programms, etwa indem sie der imaginären Verbindung zwischen der Musik Schostakowitschs und des Georgiers Sulkhan Tsintsadze hinterherlauschen. Beethovens Duosonate A-Dur stellen sie ein von dieser inspiriertes „Geschwisterwerk“ gegenüber, „A Portrait of the Imaginary Sibling“, das sie bei dem Kanadier Dinuk Wijeratne in Auftrag gegeben haben.
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In Heidelberg

Maria Ioudenitch. Stanislav Ioudenitch Duo-Expedition

Thu, Apr 10, 2025, 17:00
Maria Ioudenitch (Violin), Stanislav Ioudenitch (Piano)
Rising violinist Maria Ioudenitch and her pianist father, Stanislav, share a close bond both personally and musically. Their program begins with Beethoven's last violin sonata, followed by Ravel's, featuring a jazzy "Blues" movement. After works by the Boulanger sisters—Nadia's song "Soleils Couchants" and Lili's Nocturne and Cortège—they perform Bartók's first sonata, with its dissonances mirroring occasional family life tensions.
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In Heidelberg

Mozart Pass Gringolts Quartet. Lily Francis Alle Mozart-Streichquintette I-III

Fri, Apr 11, 2025, 14:30
Gringolts Quartet (Streichquartett), Lily Francis (Viola)
For Mozart connoisseurs, it's clear: his most significant chamber music works aren't his 23 string quartets, but his six string quintets. These quintets reached an unmatched peak, admired even by later composers like Schubert and Brahms. The Gringolts Quartet, joined by violist Lily Francis, performs these works in three consecutive historically informed concerts, using gut strings tuned to 440 Hz. Pre-concert talks are available. This event offers a pass for all three concerts with a discount.
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In Heidelberg

Gringolts Quartet. Lily Francis Alle Mozart-Streichquintette I

Fri, Apr 11, 2025, 15:00
Gringolts Quartet (Streichquartett), Lily Francis (Viola)
Musicologist Martin Geck praised Mozart's string quintets, noting how a second viola opens a new world of chamber music. Mozart's first quintet, KV 174, was composed in Salzburg in 1773, crowning his early chamber music creations. His C-major Quintet KV 515, written 14 years later, is his longest four-movement instrumental piece. It's a bright work that reflects “Figaro” and anticipates the “Jupiter” Symphony. A pre-concert talk with Marcus Imbsweiler takes place at 2:30 pm in the Old University Auditorium.
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In Heidelberg

Gringolts Quartet. Lily Francis Alle Mozart-Streichquintette II

Fri, Apr 11, 2025, 17:00
Gringolts Quartet (Streichquartett), Lily Francis (Viola)
In April 1788, Mozart advertised three new quintets in the Wiener Zeitung. Among them was the wind serenade KV 388, adapted for string quintet, alongside KV 515 and KV 516. This work, KV 388, is not a light-hearted piece, but a serious "Nachtmusique". The G minor quintet also carries intense emotions and tension. However, it concludes with a lively final rondo. A pre-concert talk will be given by Marcus Imbsweiler.
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In Heidelberg

Gringolts Quartet. Lily Francis Alle Mozart-Streichquintette III

Fri, Apr 11, 2025, 20:00
Gringolts Quartet (Streichquartett), Lily Francis (Viola)
Mozart's String Quintet in D major, K. 593, premiered in December 1790 at a chamber music evening in Mozart's Vienna apartment, attended by Joseph Haydn, who embarked on his first London journey the next day. It was to be the last encounter between the two friends, as Mozart had only one year to live. The two late string quintets—K. 614 was written in April 1791 as his last completed chamber music work for strings—also form a kind of farewell with Haydn allusions and melancholic touches. At the same time, however, they contain playful music that, with its harmonic and melodic richness, contrasts, and profoundness, points to the future.
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In Heidelberg

Chiaroscuro Quartet Malen, zeichnen, sprechen

Sat, Apr 12, 2025, 17:00
Chiaroscuro Quartet (Streichquartett)
String quartets on historical instruments? Few ensembles take this risk, and even fewer are successful with it over time. Founded in London in 2005, the quartet around the renowned violinist Alina Ibragimova, which limits itself to a repertoire up to the early Romantic period, is almost without competition. The eponymous term "Chiaroscuro" - for the dramatic chiaroscuro effects of late Renaissance Italian painting - basically falls short: It is the wealth of graphic details that distinguishes the group's extremely faithful interpretations. Beethoven's kaleidoscope of strongly contrasting short movements is the ideal demonstration object for the finely nuanced sound of this exceptional quartet.
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In Heidelberg

Laura Lootens Unter iberischem Himmel

Sun, Apr 13, 2025, 15:00
Laura Lootens (Guitar)
In November 2022, 23-year-old Laura Lootens won the Andrés Segovia Competition in Andalusia, one of the world's most important guitar competitions. Her festival debut features 19th- and 20th-century Spanish compositions, which captivated her with their fiery character, grace, beautiful melodies, and lively rhythms. She arranged Isaac Albéniz's piano pieces for guitar herself. The second half of the concert features predominantly Italian moods.