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Classical concerts featuring
Cuarteto SolTango


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New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Cuarteto SolTango became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

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Next month
In Heidelberg

Cuarteto SolTango Astor und seine Brüder

Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 15:00
Cuarteto SolTango (Thomas Reif Violine)
The 1940s and 1950s were the golden age of Tango, before Astor Piazzolla revolutionized the scene with Tango Nuevo. Cuarteto SolTango dedicates itself to this rich, yet overshadowed repertoire, from Anibal Troilo to Lucio Demare, and even pioneers of Tango Nuevo. Their unique instrumentation delivers powerful sounds reminiscent of old Argentinian orchestras, yet includes a full range of chamber music sound colors, inspiring both classical music fans and Tango aficionados.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Cuarteto SolTango in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Heidelberg

Cuarteto SolTango Astor und seine Brüder

Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 15:00
Cuarteto SolTango (Thomas Reif Violine)
The 1940s and 1950s were the golden age of Tango, before Astor Piazzolla revolutionized the scene with Tango Nuevo. Cuarteto SolTango dedicates itself to this rich, yet overshadowed repertoire, from Anibal Troilo to Lucio Demare, and even pioneers of Tango Nuevo. Their unique instrumentation delivers powerful sounds reminiscent of old Argentinian orchestras, yet includes a full range of chamber music sound colors, inspiring both classical music fans and Tango aficionados.