Musiktag für alle Workshops, Konzerte und Mitmachangebote für Jung und Alt
Date & Time
Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 11:00A Music Day invites people of all ages to experience festival musicians in short concerts and participate in guided workshops. The Karlstorbahnhof transforms into a Momo-like amphitheater, offering a refuge from everyday life. Activities include community music, children's workshops, and a "Music Swap Lab" with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Participants can enjoy music, games, crafts, and food.A summary from original text in German | Read the original
Keywords: Musikfestival, Workshop
Gregor Schulenburg | Community-Music, Flute, Ethnische Holzblasinstrumente |
Marion Haak-Schulenburg | Community-Music, Singer |
Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles | |
Mitglieder der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen |
To be updated... |