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Classical concerts featuring
Marion Haak-Schulenburg


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New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Marion Haak-Schulenburg became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This month
In Heidelberg

Musiktag für alle Workshops, Konzerte und Mitmachangebote für Jung und Alt

Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 11:00
Gregor Schulenburg (Community-Music), Gregor Schulenburg (Flute), Gregor Schulenburg (Ethnische Holzblasinstrumente), Marion Haak-Schulenburg (Community-Music), Marion Haak-Schulenburg (Singer), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles, Mitglieder der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
A Music Day invites people of all ages to experience festival musicians in short concerts and participate in guided workshops. The Karlstorbahnhof transforms into a Momo-like amphitheater, offering a refuge from everyday life. Activities include community music, children's workshops, and a "Music Swap Lab" with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Participants can enjoy music, games, crafts, and food.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Marion Haak-Schulenburg in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This month
In Heidelberg

Musiktag für alle Workshops, Konzerte und Mitmachangebote für Jung und Alt

Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 11:00
Gregor Schulenburg (Community-Music), Gregor Schulenburg (Flute), Gregor Schulenburg (Ethnische Holzblasinstrumente), Marion Haak-Schulenburg (Community-Music), Marion Haak-Schulenburg (Singer), Mitglieder des Festivalcampus-Ensembles, Mitglieder der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
A Music Day invites people of all ages to experience festival musicians in short concerts and participate in guided workshops. The Karlstorbahnhof transforms into a Momo-like amphitheater, offering a refuge from everyday life. Activities include community music, children's workshops, and a "Music Swap Lab" with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Participants can enjoy music, games, crafts, and food.