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Classical concerts featuring
Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern


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Concerts featuring Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Köln

Wie frei ist die Kunst?

Wed, Apr 9, 2025, 18:00
Yilmaz Dziewior (Direktor Museum Ludwig), Louwrens Langevoort (Intendant Kölner Philharmonie), Leonie Reineke (Presentation), Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern (Ensemble), Yannick Mayaud (Conductor)
The Ensemble Modern's concert series "How Free is Art?" explores artistic freedom and its limits through music and discussions. Philharmonie director Louwrens Langevoort and Museum Ludwig director Yilmaz Dziewior discuss how organizers can meet audience expectations, programming freedoms, and external influences. The concert features avant-garde music (Pierre Boulez), minimalist music (John Adams), and Jennifer Walshe's "Unbreakable line. Hinged waist".
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Hamburg

NDR Bigband / Ensemble Modern / Jonathan Stockhammer

Sat, Apr 26, 2025, 20:00
NDR Bigband, Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern, Jonathan Stockhammer (Conductor)
NDR has awarded three commissions for compositions: to the US composer and multi-instrumentalist Carla Kihlstedt, to the British trombonist and composer Alex Paxton and to the German composer and music producer Ali N. Askin. All three work across styles between art rock, jazz, contemporary music, improvisation and electronic avant-garde. In this evening’s three world premieres, the NDR Bigband and Ensemble Modern will explore the specific possibilities that arise from their collaboration. Jonathan Stockhammer conducts.
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Hamburg

NDR Bigband / Ensemble Modern

Sun, Apr 27, 2025, 20:00
Mitglieder der NDR Bigband, Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern
The idea of a joint festival between the NDR Bigband and Ensemble Modern was born during a meeting of seven big band and six Ensemble Modern musicians in autumn 2023. In improvisation phases, they explored similarities and differences. New working structures developed. Five new works and the idea of a cooperative festival crystallised in the improvisations. A programme of music that originated here and will be premiered jointly by musicians from both ensembles will conclude the »NDR Bigband meets Ensemble Modern« festival.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Köln

Wie frei ist die Kunst?

Sun, May 11, 2025, 15:00
Brigitta Muntendorf (Composer), Unai Urkola Etxabe (Composer), Leonie Reineke (Presentation), Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern (Ensemble), Elias Brown (Conductor)
The Ensemble Modern dedicates its concert series "How free is art?" to the topic of artistic freedom and its limits through music and discussions. In the series' final installment, "How free are composers?", composer Brigitta Muntendorf and Unai Urkola Etxabe discuss with Leonie Reineke the extent to which artists can incorporate personal beliefs, political stances, or influences from other cultures into their work. Hilda Paredes' "Forbidden games" (2019) deals with children detained without their parents in prisons on the US-Mexico border. Carmine-Emanuele Cella's "La mémoire de l'eau" (2014) addresses the fragility of water and our planet. Liza Lim's "The heart’s ear" (1997) takes a melody from Islamic Sufi music as its starting point.