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Classical concerts featuring
Louwrens Langevoort


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Concerts featuring Louwrens Langevoort in season 2024/25 or later

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Next month
In Köln

Wie frei ist die Kunst?

Wed, Apr 9, 2025, 18:00
Yilmaz Dziewior (Direktor Museum Ludwig), Louwrens Langevoort (Intendant Kölner Philharmonie), Leonie Reineke (Presentation), Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern (Ensemble), Yannick Mayaud (Conductor)
The Ensemble Modern's concert series "How Free is Art?" explores artistic freedom and its limits through music and discussions. Philharmonie director Louwrens Langevoort and Museum Ludwig director Yilmaz Dziewior discuss how organizers can meet audience expectations, programming freedoms, and external influences. The concert features avant-garde music (Pierre Boulez), minimalist music (John Adams), and Jennifer Walshe's "Unbreakable line. Hinged waist".
Artistic depiction of the event
This season

Auf ein Schwätzchen mit Louwrens Langevoort

Sat, May 17, 2025, 13:00
Louwrens Langevoort (Gesamtleiter von ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln)
Free concerts will be held throughout the day at the Cologne Philharmonic, Filmforum, and WDR Funkhaus. The Hafenschänke, just five minutes away, offers refreshments, digital program browsing, artist information, and discussions. Around 1 p.m., meet Louwrens Langevoort, the director of the Cologne Philharmonic and head of ACHT BRÜCKEN | Music for Cologne.