Guest performance
Philharmonie Berlin, Chamber Music Hall (Berlin)
Experience highlights from Strauss' operas Der Rosenkavalier, Ariadne auf Naxos, and Salome, performed by Komische Oper Berlin orchestra musicians in the Schiller Theater foyer. Enjoy chamber music arrangements by Nigel Shore, perfect for both enthusiasts and newcomers.
Martha Argerich speaks of Daniil Trifonov with astonishment: “He has everything and more – tenderness, but also a demonic quality. I’ve never heard anything like it.” To round off the year, the star pianist performs Johannes Brahms’ monumentally virtuosic Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Kirill Petrenko. After the interval, the powerful and festive prelude from Richard Wagner’s opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg follows. The concert concludes with two lavishly-orchestrated dance works by Richard Strauss of a contrasting nature: the charming waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier and Salome’s Dance, with its exhibitionistic, almost brutal sensuality.
Martha Argerich speaks of Daniil Trifonov with astonishment: “He has everything and more – tenderness, but also a demonic quality. I’ve never heard anything like it.” To round off the year, the star pianist performs Johannes Brahms’ monumentally virtuosic Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Kirill Petrenko. After the interval, the powerful and festive prelude from Richard Wagner’s opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg follows. The concert concludes with two lavishly-orchestrated dance works by Richard Strauss of a contrasting nature: the charming waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier and Salome’s Dance, with its exhibitionistic, almost brutal sensuality.
Martha Argerich speaks of Daniil Trifonov with astonishment: “He has everything and more – tenderness, but also a demonic quality. I’ve never heard anything like it.” To round off the year, the star pianist performs Johannes Brahms’ monumentally virtuosic Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Kirill Petrenko. After the interval, the powerful and festive prelude from Richard Wagner’s opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg follows. The concert concludes with two lavishly-orchestrated dance works by Richard Strauss of a contrasting nature: the charming waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier and Salome’s Dance, with its exhibitionistic, almost brutal sensuality.
Awarding of the DAAD Prize to Cole Knutson.
Mozart's “Magic Flute” is a masterpiece of the 18th century that reflects the moral concepts of the time with regard to the roles of men and women. Iván Fischer wants to confront parts of this favorite opera with 21st century values. He concentrates on well-known arias and scenes: Reversed gender roles of central characters invite an unexpected new listening experience as well as reflection. For example, a King of the Night, interpreted by the outstanding countertenor Samuel Mariño, appears as the antagonist of the powerful Sarastra, sung by Deniz Uzun. Iván Fischer also plays with the music itself, for example when he has the famous overture performed not only by the Konzerthausorchester but also by the Vocalconsort Berlin.
A matinee to celebrate the association's anniversary75 years ago, on 17 October 1949, our association was founded. Its aim was to build a new concert hall for the Berliner Philharmoniker, who had become homeless during World War II. The “Friends” formed a large citizens' initiative and, with their contributions and donation campaigns, made a significant impact on the opening of the Philharmonie, which was designed by Hans Scharoun, in 1963. But there was still a lot to do afterwards: The chamber music hall opened its doors in 1987, the orchestra received valuable instruments, and many major projects such as the Philharmoniker's Europakonzert were realised with our support. We want to celebrate this round birthday: with prominent guests and, of course, with great music played by members of the Berliner Philharmoniker. Afterwards, we will celebrate the anniversary together in the foyer.
Mozart's “Magic Flute” is a masterpiece of the 18th century that reflects the moral concepts of the time with regard to the roles of men and women. Iván Fischer wants to confront parts of this favorite opera with 21st century values. He concentrates on well-known arias and scenes: Reversed gender roles of central characters invite an unexpected new listening experience as well as reflection. For example, a King of the Night, interpreted by the outstanding countertenor Samuel Mariño, appears as the antagonist of the powerful Sarastra, sung by Deniz Uzun. Iván Fischer also plays with the music itself, for example when he has the famous overture performed not only by the Konzerthausorchester but also by the Vocalconsort Berlin.
Uraufführungen, Improvisationen, Recitals, Solistenkonzerte oder Kammermusik – der französisch-britische Pianist, Komponist und Cembalist Orlando Bass ist ein Multitalent. Nach seinem Studium in Paris absolviert er an der Eisler sein Konzertexamen bei Prof. Kirill Gerstein und spielt im Konzert neben Sonaten von Schostakowitsch und Ginastera auch eine eigene Komposition. Die chinesische Koloratursopranistin Shuchen Dai legt nach ihrem Masterstudium nun bei Prof. Ewa Wolak ihr Konzertexamen ab. Mit dem Pianisten Matthias Samuil wird sie neben Liedern von Strauss und Liszt auch weniger bekanntes französisches Repertoire aus dem 19. Jahrhundert der beiden Komponistinnen und Opernsängerinnen Pauline Viardot-García und Eva Dell'Acqua aufführen.Gemeinsam mit dem Konzerthaus Berlin präsentiert die Eisler in der Konzertreihe „EislerStars“ herausragende Talente der Hochschule, die ihr Konzertexamen absolvieren. Sie sind international bereits erfolgreich, haben renommierte Musikwettbewerbe gewonnen und sind regelmäßig solistisch zu Gast auf den großen Bühnen.
Our organ series starts with one of the most interesting organists of our time: Richard Gowers, still only 29 old, discovered his passion for music as a choirboy at King’s College, Cambridge. Trained in Cambridge, London and Stuttgart, he has travelled internationally as a soloist and has also been Director of Music at St Georgeʼs, Hanover Square in London since 2023. Together with the brass section of the Berliner Philharmoniker, he will perform an opulent, late-romantic programme, including the passionate love scene from Richard Strauss’ opera Feuersnot and Franz Liszt’s heroic final tribute to his friend Chopin, Funérailles.
The concert will be broadcast on 14 May 2024 at 8.03 pm on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
Enjoy symphony concerts with a view of the starry sky in the Zeiss Grand Planetarium – heavenly sounds in the truest sense of the word.
Enjoy symphony concerts with a view of the starry sky in the Zeiss Grand Planetarium – heavenly sounds in the truest sense of the word.
The concert will be broadcast on Deutschlandfunk Kultur on 1 February 2024 at 8.03 pm.