Wie kommt der Geist in geistliche Musik, Herr Lauster?
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Fri, Jun 20, 2025, 21:45How does spirit enter sacred music, Mr. Lauster? Not only sacred works are ingenious, inspire, and uplift. We readily attribute "spirit" to musical phenomena, to the inexplicable in art and other areas of existence. When is this justified and when not? Is the invisible phenomenon of sound, music, particularly predestined as a dwelling place of spirit and spirits? Myths, not only from the Christian cultural sphere, suggest this. The Protestant theologian Jörg Lauster, holder of the Chair of Dogmatics, Philosophy of Religion, and Ecumenism in Munich and author of fundamental books on Christianity, has dedicated a "biography" to the Holy Spirit and traces the "enchantment of the world" through art and culture.A summary from original text in German | Read the original
Keywords: Symphony Concert
Ann-Katrin Zimmermann | |
Jörg Lauster |
Konzert für drei Klaviere und Orchester d-Moll BWV 1063 | Johann Sebastian Bach |
2. Sinfonie für Streichorchester und Trompete H 153 | Arthur Honegger |
4. Sinfonie e-Moll op. 98 | Johannes Brahms |