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Trio élégiaque

Sun, Sep 15, 2024, 18:00
Grace Kyung Eun Lee (Violin), Ulrich Horn (Cello), Su Yeon Kim (Piano)
Saison-Auftakt mit drei Trio-Ikonen. Ein früher Geniestreich des jungen Schostakowitsch begegnet einem musikalischen Glücksfall des späten Schubert und dem von Melancholie erfüllten »Trio élégiaque Nr. 1« von Rachmaninow. Schostakowitsch war gerade einmal 17, als er sein Klaviertrio komponierte, das aus seinen nachgelassenen Manuskripten erst 1983 veröffentlicht worden ist. Mit dem Klaviertrio von Schubert erlebt man eines seiner letzten und reifsten Werke, die nach Robert Schumann »wie eine zürnende Himmelserscheinung« über das damalige Musiktreiben hinweg gegangen ist. Intensiver und klangvoller kann eine Kammermusik-Reihe kaum beginnen.Konzertdauer: ca. 105 Minuten – inklusive Pause
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Sat, Nov 23, 2024, 19:00
Joolaee Misagh (Kamancheh), Nosrati Schaghajegh (Piano), Flaig Sebastian (Percussion)
Persian and European classical music, traditional songs from Turkey and Azerbaijan, jazz, and more: the Joolaee Trio’s concert programs combine a range of diverse musical influences. In their unusual lineup consisting of kamancheh player and leader Misagh Joolaee, percussionist Sebastian Flaig, and pianist Schaghajegh Nosrati—who will also be heard at the Pierre Boulez Saal with a solo recital in February—they perform original compositions and newly created arrangements.
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Bawandi Trio

Tue, Jun 25, 2024, 20:00
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Mario Häring (Piano), Alexandre Castro-Balbi (Cello), Patrick Hollich (Clarinet)
Who hasn’t dreamed of travelling back in time? What would you want to change? – But aren’t such thoughts actually purely fictional? Well, from a scientific point of view, time travel is actually not impossible! Even more: they have long been possible! However, only in a very specific respect, namely when it comes to travelling through or into history. Preserved historical artefacts, such as documents, books and music, are generally the sources of our knowledge of the past. Not infrequently, such research can then shed new light on the present. Or, for example, broaden the present spectrum of sound ideas. Like, for example, the two pieces of music from the late period of the long 19th century quasi rediscovered by the Bawandi Trio and freshly recorded on CD.
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Trio Moreau

Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 11:00
David Moreau (Violin), Edgar Moreau (Cello), Jérémie Moreau (Piano)
Jérémie Moreau, the youngest of three brothers, transitioned from classical dance to piano. His brothers, David (violin) and Edgar (cello), are also accomplished musicians. All three studied at the Paris Conservatory. Edgar is an internationally renowned cellist. The Moreau Trio is known for its passionate chamber music performances. A post-concert discussion with Daniel Finkernagel will follow. Senior citizens can register for "Sunday Matinee Plus".
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SaitenWind Trio

Fri, Dec 27, 2024, 19:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Silke Friedrich (Flute), Fedor Erfurt (Clarinet), Pablo Villafuerte (Guitar)
The SaitenWind Trio combines the flute, the clarinet and the guitar into an unusual ensemble that calls for unusual programmes. The trio’s concerts feature own compositions, arrangements and even texts and poetry that are carefully tailored to suit the music in each case. The three musicians have a wide stylistic range, from Baroque music to the tango.