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Orgelexpedition "Königliche Klänge"

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Sun, Jun 29, 2025, 12:15
Discover the "King of Instruments" through an engaging concert-conversation exploring its majestic sounds and rich history. Famous compositions and stories of prominent organists will be presented in the Sophienkirche, suitable for adults and school-aged children. Free admission.

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Keywords: Musik in der Sophienkirche, Organ Concert

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Maximilian SchnausOrgan


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Last update: Sat, Feb 1, 2025, 09:32

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Musik in der Sophienkirche: Orgelkonzert Steffen Walther

Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 18:00
Steffen Walther (Organ)
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Mon, Mar 11, 2024, 20:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Zuzana Ferjenčíková (Organ)
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Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
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Karol Mossakowski, Organ

Tue, Dec 10, 2024, 20:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Karol Mossakowski (Organ)
France and Germany – today, these two countries are best friends. The long-standing rivalry between them has, however, not only led to many a disagreement in politics. Even in the field of organ music, they took different paths for a long time: in France, people celebrated sound and tone colour; in Germany, virtuosity and counterpoint. Karol Mossakowski showcases the best of both worlds: a sedate organ symphony in the style of Widor, sound magic in the style of Fauré and visionary music in the style of Alain – all of them first-rate musical gems. Fauré clad the myth of Pelléas and Mélisande in subtle, highly sensitive sounds, Alain paved the way for the 21st century with his organ music widening the musical horizon. Not for nothing are the moving Litanies on the foundation of human existence some of the most widely played organ works of all for instance. Mendelssohn and Liszt are bywords for the German Romantic school. The variations sérieuses as well as the Mephisto Waltzes had originally been written for piano, but the art of arrangement has a long tradition especially in organ circles. What is not playable will be made playable – that is the motto here. After all, compared with pianists, organists also have two feet and an enormous pool of tonal colours at their disposal. Karol Mossakowski will also make use of this when he pursues another tradition cultivated by organists: improvisation. Here too, he is a true master of his trade.