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The Naghash Ensemble Songs of Exile

Date & Time
Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 19:30
In the 15th century, Armenian priest and poet Mkrtich Naghash wrote about his exile experiences. The resulting poems, with their powerful language, captivated Armenian-American John Hodian. He decided to set these exile songs to music and bring them to the stage with a specially founded ensemble. Hodian leads the Armenian Naghash Ensemble from the piano, inspiring by old Armenian church and folk music, minimal music, and jazz.

A summary from original text in German | Read the original

Keywords: Musikfestival

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The Naghash EnsembleHasmik Baghdasaryan Sopran


John HodianSongs of Exile
John HodianSongs of Wisdom
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Last update: Tue, Mar 4, 2025, 24:02

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