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Classical concerts featuring
The Naghash Ensemble


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Works by
John Hodian

New Arrivals

These concerts featuring The Naghash Ensemble became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

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Next month
In Heidelberg

The Naghash Ensemble Songs of Exile

Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 19:30
The Naghash Ensemble (Hasmik Baghdasaryan Sopran)
In the 15th century, Armenian priest and poet Mkrtich Naghash wrote about his exile experiences. The resulting poems, with their powerful language, captivated Armenian-American John Hodian. He decided to set these exile songs to music and bring them to the stage with a specially founded ensemble. Hodian leads the Armenian Naghash Ensemble from the piano, inspiring by old Armenian church and folk music, minimal music, and jazz.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring The Naghash Ensemble in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Heidelberg

The Naghash Ensemble Songs of Exile

Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 19:30
The Naghash Ensemble (Hasmik Baghdasaryan Sopran)
In the 15th century, Armenian priest and poet Mkrtich Naghash wrote about his exile experiences. The resulting poems, with their powerful language, captivated Armenian-American John Hodian. He decided to set these exile songs to music and bring them to the stage with a specially founded ensemble. Hodian leads the Armenian Naghash Ensemble from the piano, inspiring by old Armenian church and folk music, minimal music, and jazz.