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Der Herr der Ringe & der Hobbit – das Konzert

Mon, Mar 24, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Orchester und Chor des Auenlandes, Special Guest
The fabulous world of hobbits, elves and orcs is brought to life tonight in a major concert experience with a symphony orchestra, choir and star guests. From the menacing sounds of Mordor and the shrill attack of the black riders to the marvellous lyrical meodies of the elves – the Laeiszhalle is transformed into a musical scenario of Middle Earth by nearly 100 artists.
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Der Herr der Ringe & der Hobbit – The concert

Sun, Feb 2, 2025, 19:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Cinema Festival Symphonics, Stephen Ellery (Conductor)
Peter Jackson’s world-famous film celebrates its 20th anniversary! The music of the hobbits and orcs comes to the concert hall stage in an impressive concert experience with soloists, choir and orchestra. The menacing sounds of Mordor and the Black Riders, the beautiful lyrical melodies of the Elves – the renowned Cinema Festival Symphonics transform reality into a musical setting of Middle-earth. Howard Shore composed much of the music for the film trilogies »The Lord of the Rings« and »The Hobbit« and received the Oscar, Grammys and the Golden Globe for it. His motifs are elementally touching when the ring unfolds its power and corrupts the bearer of all power: a parable with great contemporary relevance. Accompanied by violins, trumpets and timpani, the ensemble, soloists and choir whisk the audience away to the Shire, through the landscape of Rohan and up to Mount Doom. The melodic tones of flutes and violins are supported by green landscapes and gloomy scenarios on the screen in the background. Animations specially developed for the production add an extra dimension to this symphonic event. »The last Goodbye« and »Far over the Misty Mountains cold« are performed by soloists with powerful voices who add a personal touch to the well-known songs. »The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit – The Concert« is a fantastic evening of a very special kind. Full of sound, full of atmosphere, unique! With state-of-the-art technology, the Cinema Festival Symphonics will take Middle-earth fans and fantasy lovers on a musical journey through all of The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit films. The impressive light and screen animations flow harmoniously with the legendary melodies and enhance the atmosphere of each individual song. The ensemble celebrates a unique sound that fully immerses the audience in the world of fantasy and provides many goosebump moments!
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Herr der Ringe & der Hobbit

Mon, Jan 20, 2025, 20:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
Peter Jackson's film success celebrates its 20th anniversary! In an impressive concert experience with soloists, choir, and orchestra, the music of hobbits and orcs comes to you. The Cinema Festival Symphonics transform reality into Middle-earth. Howard Shore composed much of the music for "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" and received Oscars, Grammys, and a Golden Globe. Timpani and trumpets bring the familiar melodies to life. "The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit – The Concert" is a fantastic evening of a very special kind. Screen animations and visual effects intensify the emotions, taking Middle-earth fans and fantasy lovers on a musical journey.
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Rhythmuslabor – Der Bauplan der Musik

Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 10:00
Die Anmeldung zum Workshop ist für Grundschulen hier möglich.***Workshop mit anschließendem Konzert10-11 Uhr Workshop an verschiedenen Stationen im Foyer11-12 Uhr KonzertMit der Kammermusik-Band UWAGA! begeben wir uns auf die Suche nach der Entschlüsselung der rhythmischen DNA unterschiedlicher Musikkulturen. Ob der klassische Violinist mit Vorliebe für osteuropäische Musik, der Jazzgeiger mit Punkrock-Erfahrung, der meisterhaft improvisierende Akkordeonist mit Balkan-Sound im Blut oder der Bassist, der sich in Sinfonieorchestern ebenso zu Hause fühlt wie in Jazzcombos oder Funkbands den Code ihrer Beats und Grooves mit euch knacken werden? Bereits vor dem Konzert könnt ihr an den Workshopstationen im Foyer verschiedene Bausteine der Musik kennenlernen und ausprobieren.
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Rhythmuslabor – Der Bauplan der Musik

Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 11:00
Die Anmeldung zum Workshop ist für Grundschulen hier möglich.****Konzert mit anschließendem Workshop11-12 Uhr Konzert12-13 Uhr Workshop an verschiedenen Stationen im FoyerMit der Kammermusik-Band UWAGA! begeben wir uns auf die Suche nach der Entschlüsselung der rhythmischen DNA unterschiedlicher Musikkulturen. Ob der klassische Violinist mit Vorliebe für osteuropäische Musik, der Jazzgeiger mit Punkrock-Erfahrung, der meisterhaft improvisierende Akkordeonist mit Balkan-Sound im Blut oder der Bassist, der sich in Sinfonieorchestern ebenso zu Hause fühlt wie in Jazzcombos oder Funkbands den Code ihrer Beats und Grooves mit euch knacken werden? Und nach dem Konzert könnt ihr an den Workshopstationen im Foyer verschiedene Bausteine der Musik ausprobieren und vertiefen.
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Rhythmuslabor – Der Bauplan der Musik

Sat, Nov 23, 2024, 10:00
Join the chamber music band UWAGA! in exploring the rhythmic DNA of diverse musical cultures. From classical violinists with an Eastern European flair to jazz violinists with punk rock roots, and improvising accordionists with Balkan influences to bassists at home in symphony orchestras, jazz combos, and funk bands – discover the code of their beats and grooves. Pre-concert workshops offer hands-on experience with various musical building blocks.