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Weihnachtskonzert Apollo-Chor der Staatsoper – J. S. Bach: Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248 (Kantaten I-III)

Fri, Dec 20, 2024, 20:00
Apollo-Chor der Staatsoper Unter den Linden (Choir), Narine Yeghiyan (Soprano), Rebecka Wallroth (Alt), Thoma Jaron-Wutz (Tenor), Dionysios Avgerinos (Bass), Mitglieder der Staatskapelle Berlin (Orchestra), Artur Just (Conductor)
The Apollo Choir of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden will perform J.S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio, parts 1-3, for their annual Christmas concert. Wishing for peace, light, and joy in difficult times, the choir has chosen this piece to bring joy and confidence to the audience.
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Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 16:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
Nachwuchschor, Guido Mattausch (Director), GewandhausKinderchor, Walter Zoller (Piano), Peter A. Bauer (Percussion), Mitglieder des Gewandhausorchesters, Frank-Steffen Elster (Director), Malte Arkona (Moderator)
Think classical concerts are just for grandparents? Think again! Join our moderated concerts for all ages. Malte Arkona guides you through the program with wit, exploring fascinating works with the audience and artists. Discover something new with the Gewandhaus Orchestra and Choirs, suitable for ages six and up. Arrive an hour early to meet the musicians, try instruments, and get creative at the Instrument Street.
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Queen Classical mit der Band MerQury, Orchester & Chor

Sun, Nov 30, 2025, 19:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
MerQury (Band), Orchester (Orchestra), Chor (Choir)
Queen ist eine der größten Rockbands aller Zeiten. "We are the Champions" sang der einzigartige Freddie Mercury bereits in den 70ern - und Freddie, die Diva des Rock, hinterlässt eine enorme Beliebtheit bei Millionen von Fans. So wählten ihn die Leser der Zeitschrift „Classic Rock“ im Jahr 2009 zum besten Sänger aller Zeiten. Aber auch seine Qualitäten als Komponist waren außergewöhnlich. Das belegen Welthits wie: „Bohemian Rhapsody“, "Crazy little Thing", „Don´t Stop me now“ u.v.m. MerQury ist eine der wenigen Gruppen, die mittlerweile weltweit vor begeistertem Publikum auftreten. Viele Touren führten sie durch Europa und Nordamerika. Seit der Gründung 1991 spielten MerQury weit über 1.500 Shows in 16 verschiedenen Ländern. Die Musiker der Band waren außerdem Hauptakteure in dem Erfolgsmusical „We are the champions“, welches von mehr als 150.000 Fans in ganz Europa gefeiert wurde. Hierbei geht das Konzept von MerQury mit einer Mischung aus täuschend echt interpretierten Queen-Songs und eigenen kreativen Stilistiken voll auf. Die fünf Vollblutmusiker überzeugen selbst eingeschworene Queen-Fans und bieten den Besuchern ein außergewöhnliches Konzerterlebnis. Die gelungene Kombination von brillantem Sound, aufwendiger Lichtshow mit explosiven Pyroeffekten, schrille Kostüme und jede Menge Publikumsinteraktion machen jedes Konzert von MerQury unvergleichlich. Als Frontmann überzeugt der aus Montreal stammende Johnny Zatylny nicht nur optisch in der Rolle von „Freddie Mercury“. Vor allem stimmlich brilliert der Sänger in schwierigen Passagen weltbekannter Queen-Songs. Als extravaganter Entertainer gewinnt er in kürzester Zeit die Sympathie der Zuschauer. Lassen Sie sich begeistern von einer aufwendigen Bühnenshow, dem einzigartigen Queen-Sound, live gespielt auf originalgetreuen Instrumenten und unterstützt von einer authentischen Lichtshow. Machen Sie eine Zeitreise in die 70er und 80er, der großen Ära von Queen und ihren unvergesslichen Hymnen. Erleben Sie emotionale Momente, lassen Sie sich "rocken" und feiern Sie mit dieser phantastischen Show den unvergleichlichen Freddie Mercury und seine Band.
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Monteverdi-Chor Hamburg

Sat, Apr 13, 2024, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Monteverdi-Chor Hamburg, Katharina Ruckgaber (Soprano), Virgil Hartinger (Tenor), Gerrit Zitterbart (Hammerklavier), Antonius Adamske (Conductor)
A special song recital with the Monteverdi Choir Hamburg, the young star soprano Katharina Ruckgaber and the Salzburg tenor Virgil Hartinger: In Franz Schubert’s incredibly large oeuvre, the choral work is still one of the unpolished jewels of the concert repertoire. The audience can expect heart-rending love songs and contemplations of nature full of longing as well as devotional sacred music. The programme is complemented by humorous piano songs by Joseph Haydn about everyday things, such as unwanted chatter at a wine evening and harmony in marriage.
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Chor zur Welt

Sun, Jun 30, 2024, 19:30
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Jörg Mall (Chorus Director), Ramadu (Vocals), Tash Manzungu (Vocals), Aly Keïta (Balafon), John Eckhardt (Double bass), Makiko Eguchi (Piano)
People from more than 15 countries sing in the Chor zur Welt. They all share a curiosity for the music of other cultures and all enjoy experimenting with their own voices. Under the direction of Jörg Mall, the choir rehearses clearly conceived concert programmes, which are then performed on stage at the Elbphilharmonie and KörberHaus. Together with the singer, songwriter and producer Ramadu from Zimbabwe, the choir is now exploring the traditional a capella music of southern Africa and familiarising itself with the Bantu languages of Ndbele and Xhosa. Choir members and the audience can expect a variety songs that are stylistically very different, all in response to the breathtaking nature and volatile history of the countries of Southern Africa. The stylistic spectrum ranges from the powerful »Mbube« (Zulu for »Lion«), which rose to international fame thanks to Walt Disney’s »The Lion King«, to the militant »Chimurenga«, where the musicians opposed the oppression of the British colonial rulers and campaigned for freedom, independence, social justice and respect for human rights, through to the soft and harmonious »Isicathamiya«. »Ubuntu« – humanity – is the title of the programme, where the desire for freedom comes together in the traditional texts with an appeal for global justice and peaceful coexistence. Ramadu is the stage name of Dumisani Moyo. Born and raised in Zimbabwe, he lived in Vienna for many years, where he founded the record label 10th District Music. With a mix of traditional folk music from southern Africa and modern pop sounds, he brought the music of his homeland to a worldwide audience. His various solo and ensemble projects like the »Insingizi« trio have garnered rapturous receptions. The studio attached to his record label has since relocated to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where he devotes his efforts to promoting the local art scene. With some great triumphs along the way: NOBUNTU, Zimbabwe‘s first female vocal group, is just one success story that owes its genesis to him.
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Chor zur Welt

Sun, Feb 2, 2025, 17:00
Jörg Mall (Chorus Director), Liv Solveig Wagner (Violin), Atena Eshtiaghi (Cello), Sem R A Wendt (Bass clarinet), John Eckhardt (Bass guitar), Felix Rosskopf (Piano), Moritz Hamm (Drums)
Roughly 75 singers from 23 cultures regularly come together in the Chor zur Welt (English: World Choir) to sing together. The Elbphilharmonie’s ensemble has already achieved a very broad range of projects. This time, the choir makes a journey around the world and pays a musical visit to the native countries of its singers. »I only rarely speak Arabic in everyday life – it is a genuine sense of home when I can sing in my mother tongue here!« a Syrian choir member reveals. Along with this sense of home comes curiosity about other cultures and the social experience – because singing connects us! So, the music likewise serves as the access, platform and nourishment for the intercultural exchange which shaped the profile of the choir from the start. The Chor zur Welt is conducted by Jörg Mall, who has managed the choir since it was founded in 2016 as the Syrian/German project choir. However, the entire choir is involved in suggesting pieces when arranging its programmes – and also the expertise of everyone is sought after for the translation and practice of the correct pronunciation in the many different languages.