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40 Jahre das junge Orchester NRW

Date & Time
Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 20:00
Gustav Mahler's 5th Symphony starts with a four-note motif, resembling Beethoven's 5th. Reflecting the era's upheaval, the symphony features stark contrasts, from somber marches to triumphant brass chorales. Mahler's focus on polyphony weaves through the composition. He considered it a "completely new style," possibly influenced by his love for and marriage to Alma Schindler in 1902. The 'Adagietto,' seen as a declaration of love to Alma, gained fame, notably through Visconti's 'Death in Venice.' The junge orchester NRW celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.

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Keywords: Symphony Concert

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das junge orchester NRW
Ingo Ernst ReihlConductor


"Prière" für StreichorchesterOleg Jantschenko
Sinfonie Nr. 5Gustav Mahler
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Last update: Thu, Nov 21, 2024, 09:10

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