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Concerts with works by
Georg Philipp Telemann

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Georg Philipp Telemann was a prolific German Baroque composer known for his versatility and innovation. With a vast oeuvre spanning sacred and secular music, his work significantly influenced the musical landscape of the 18th century. As a contemporary and friend of Bach and Handel, Telemann's contributions remain integral to the period's rich music history.



Quick overview of Georg Philipp Telemann by associated keywords

New Arrivals

These concerts with works by Georg Philipp Telemann became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Amsterdam

Bach's soul

Wed, Oct 1, 2025, 20:15
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Utrecht

Bach's soul

Thu, Oct 2, 2025, 20:00
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Rhenen

Bach's soul

Fri, Oct 3, 2025, 20:15
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Georg Philipp Telemann is performed

Artistic depiction of the event
Next week
In Warszawa

Simply... Philharmonic!4: André Lislevand, Kore Orchestra

Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 19:00
Filharmonia Narodowa, Chamber Music Hall (Warszawa)
André Lislevand (Viola da gamba), Kore Orchestra, Joanna Boślak-Górniok (Harpsichord), Joanna Boślak-Górniok (Art Director)
André Lislevand, photo: Cezary Zych; Orkiestra Kore, photo: Grzesiek Mart According to eighteenth-century accounts, the French violinist Jean-Baptiste Volumier, as concertmaster of the Dresden court orchestra, turned it into one of the best ensembles in Europe. After Volumier’s death in 1728, the position of concertmaster was taken over by violin virtuoso Johann Georg Pisendel. Before obtaining this position, Pisendel had developed his violin skills partly in Venice, where he studied with and befriended Antonio Vivaldi. Their friendship resulted in mutual dedications of works, as well as Pisendel’s transcribing of Vivaldi’s compositions. He also transcribed works by other composers, such as Francesco Geminiani, whose Concerto Grosso, Op. 2 No. 2 he arranged as a Sonata à quattro. Pisendel’s talent was also appreciated by other composers (including Tomaso Albinoni), who dedicated works to Pisendel. He also passed on his outstanding skills as a teacher, and one of his most famous pupils was Johann Gottlieb Graun, composer of virtuoso concertos for viola da gamba that were also influenced by great virtuosos and were composed with the outstanding gambist Ludwig Christian Hesse in mind. Hesse, in turn, probably learned to play the gamba from his own father, Ernst Christian, who had previously studied in Paris with Marin Marais and Antoine Forqueray. Simply… Philharmonic! Project 4: If one were to assign a specific instrument to each country of particular importance on the musical scene of Baroque Europe, the viola da gamba would certainly fall to France. Such an attempt to find national connections to instruments was also made by the eighteenth-century gambist Hubert Le Blanc, who opened his treatise on the instrument with the statement: The Divine Intelligence, among its many gifts, has endowed mortals with Harmony. The violin fell to the Italians, the flute to the Germans, the harpsichord to the English, and the basse de viole to the French. Although the roots of the French school of gamba playing can be traced to England (the first chordal compositions were written there, and the English are credited with popularising the instrument on the Continent), it was in France that some of the instrument’s greatest virtuosos worked and its construction was perfected. Foreign musicians also trained in France, such as the German gambist Ernst Christian Hesse. One instrument related to the viola da gamba is the lute, and works for lute were taken as models for gamba compositions by Antoine Forqueray, among others, a musician contemporary of Marin Marais. In their time, the eminent lute player, theorist and guitarist Robert de Visée, who was also a gamba player, worked in the ensemble of King Louis XIV at Versailles, as Jean Rousseau mentions in one of his letters. The similarity between the gamba and the lute may also have been noticed by Johann Sebastian Bach, as is suggested by the aria ‘Komm süsses Kreuz’ from the St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, in which the composer envisaged a solo part for viola da gamba. In the original version, however, the solo instrument there was the lute. Daniel Laskowski
Artistic depiction of the event
This month
In Berlin

Mu­se­ums­kon­zert VII

Sun, Mar 23, 2025, 11:00
Bode-Museum, Gobelinsaal (Berlin)
Gregor Witt (Oboe), Petra Schwieger (Violin), Darya Varlamova (Violin), Holger Espig (Viola), Stanislava Stoykova (Viola), Alisha Werner (Cello), Satomi Nishi (Cembalo)
Since 2010, ensembles of the Staatskapelle have been performing in the Bode Museum. The concerts, lasting just over an hour, take place in the Gobelin Hall and feature music from past centuries. Visitors can combine the concerts with other museum activities, such as an exhibition visit or a meal at the museum café.
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Heidelberg

Musikpreis der deutschen Wirtschaft Ensemble Resonanz Finalkonzert

Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 11:30
Tabea Wink (Blockflöte), Clarissa Bevilacqua (Violin), Jonas Müller (Bariton)
Seit 1953 fördert der Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft junge, aufstrebende Talente der klassischen Musik. Der Musikpreis soll dabei zu Beginn einer Musikkarriere als kraftvolle Unterstützung dienen und richtet sich an herausragende Instrumentalisten*innen und Sänger*innen unter 30 Jahren, die im deutschsprachigen Raum leben und mit einer eigenständigen künstlerischen Stimme Brücken zum Publikum bauen. Der im Jahr 2024 neu ausgerichtete Musikpreis der deutschen Wirtschaft umfasst nicht nur das Preisgeld in Höhe von 15.000 Euro, sondern vor allem Auftrittsmöglichkeiten bei renommierten Partnerfestivals im Rahmen der „Kulturkreis-Tournee“. Zu den Partnerfestivals gehören neben dem Heidelberger Frühling das Beethovenfest Bonn, die Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele, das Lucerne Festival sowie das Rheingau Musik Festival. Beim Finalkonzert erhalten die drei Finalist*innen die Möglichkeit, sich sowohl der Jury als auch dem breiten Publikum des Festivals zu präsentieren. Dabei werden sie vom Ensemble Resonanz begleitet. Die Jury besteht aus den Intendant:innen und künstlerischen Leiter:innen der Partnerfestivals, Fachberatern sowie dem Musikgremium und der Vertretung der Geschäftsstelle des Kulturkreises.Konzert ohne PauseFinalist*innen Tabea Wink Blockflöte Clarissa Bevilacqua Violine Jonas Müller BaritonDie Finalist*innen werden begleitet vom Ensemble Resonanz unter Dirigent Gregor A. Mayrhofer.Jury Thorsten Schmidt, Anselm Cybinski (Heidelberger Frühling) Steven Walter, Dr. Annette Semrau (Beethovenfest Bonn) Ursula Haselböck (Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Christiane Weber (Lucerne Festival) Maria Luisa Villena-Ossa (Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg) Michael Herrmann, Timo Buckow (Rheingau Musik Festival) Prof. Nils Mönkemeyer (Hochschule für Musik und Theater München) Prof. Steven Sloane (Universität der Künste Berlin) Rodger Masou (Geschäftsführung des Kulturkreises) Musikgremium des Kulturkreises (Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Tobias Wollermann)
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Dresden

Long Night of the Theaters: Concerts!

Sat, Apr 26, 2025, 19:00
Dorothee Oberlinger (Recorder), Dorothee Oberlinger (Conductor), Marianna Julia Zolnacz (Flute), Dresdner Philharmonie
Attention: Tickets for this event will be available at a later date through the 'Long Night of the Theaters'. Recorder? Anyone can play it! How wrong this prejudice is becomes evident at a concert with Dorothee Oberlinger. She conjures sounds from the small instrument with a virtuosity that is unforgettable. In our concert, she will perform, among other pieces, the one by Terry Riley, which essentially introduced Minimal Music to the world. A music that can create an incredible pull with just a few notes. But one can also hardly resist the pull of the flute, especially when played by Marianna Julia Zolnacz, our new solo flutist. A musical celebration for flute fans and those who could become one!
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Essen

Jeanine De Bique "Mirrors"

Sun, May 4, 2025, 19:00
Jeanine De Bique (Soprano), Concerto Köln
The concert program "Mirrors" explores the same character from two mirroring perspectives. The arias depict key psychological moments of heroines like Agrippina and Cleopatra, set to music by Handel and Graun, among others. These works portray courageous, vulnerable, and passionate personalities. Soprano Jeanine De Bique, known for her bold performances, joins the specialist ensemble Concerto Köln in this musical exploration.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Nijmegen

Instrumental fireworks

Thu, May 22, 2025, 20:15
Rachel Podger (Violin), Rachel Podger (Leader)
‘Queen of the Baroque violin’ Rachel Podger will lead and inspire the Bach Society with her violin. Instrumental fireworks sparked off by one of today’s best Baroque violinists.Queen of the Baroque violin“What Beethoven was to the symphony, Italian composer and violinist Arcangelo Corelli was to the concerto: a shining example who was known to all composers. In this programme, Rachel Podger shows how far Corelli’s influence extended; way beyond the borders of Italy, to France and Germany. Virtuoso music by composers like Handel and Lully, in which Podger and the instrumental ensemble will shine.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Amsterdam

Instrumental fireworks

Fri, May 23, 2025, 20:15
Rachel Podger (Violin), Rachel Podger (Leader)
‘Queen of the Baroque violin’ Rachel Podger will lead and inspire the Bach Society with her violin. Instrumental fireworks sparked off by one of today’s best Baroque violinists.Queen of the Baroque violin“What Beethoven was to the symphony, Italian composer and violinist Arcangelo Corelli was to the concerto: a shining example who was known to all composers. In this programme, Rachel Podger shows how far Corelli’s influence extended; way beyond the borders of Italy, to France and Germany. Virtuoso music by composers like Handel and Lully, in which Podger and the instrumental ensemble will shine.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In München

Chamber Concert

Sat, May 24, 2025, 20:00
L'Accademia Giocosa, Marije Grevink (Baroque violin), Valérie Gillard (Baroque violin), David van Dijk (Baroque violin), Véronique Bastian (Baroque Viola), Hanno Simons (Baroque Cello), Lukas Richter (Double bass), Stefan Schilli (Baroque Oboe), Tobias Vogelmann (Baroque Oboe), Peter Kofler (Harpsichord)
The musicians of the Munich baroque ensemble L’Accademia Giocosa are considered experts of historical performance practice in the German-speaking world. The ensemble was founded in 2010 by members of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks and freelance artists from the early music scene with the aim of presenting the diverse sounds of the 17th and 18th centuries on original instruments and in a lively and engaging way – “giocoso” – as well as reintroducing forgotten works. For this chamber concert, L’Accademia Giocosa will present musical gems by Antonio Vivaldi, Luigi Boccherini, Joan Baptista Pla, Francesco Durante, and Georg Philipp Telemann that perfectly complement Sir Simon Rattle’s new Baroque initiative.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Naarden

Instrumental fireworks

Sat, May 24, 2025, 20:15
Rachel Podger (Violin), Rachel Podger (Leader)
‘Queen of the Baroque violin’ Rachel Podger will lead and inspire the Bach Society with her violin. Instrumental fireworks sparked off by one of today’s best Baroque violinists.Queen of the Baroque violin“What Beethoven was to the symphony, Italian composer and violinist Arcangelo Corelli was to the concerto: a shining example who was known to all composers. In this programme, Rachel Podger shows how far Corelli’s influence extended; way beyond the borders of Italy, to France and Germany. Virtuoso music by composers like Handel and Lully, in which Podger and the instrumental ensemble will shine.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Utrecht

Instrumental fireworks

Sun, May 25, 2025, 14:15
Rachel Podger (Violin), Rachel Podger (Leader)
‘Queen of the Baroque violin’ Rachel Podger will lead and inspire the Bach Society with her violin. Instrumental fireworks sparked off by one of today’s best Baroque violinists.Queen of the Baroque violin“What Beethoven was to the symphony, Italian composer and violinist Arcangelo Corelli was to the concerto: a shining example who was known to all composers. In this programme, Rachel Podger shows how far Corelli’s influence extended; way beyond the borders of Italy, to France and Germany. Virtuoso music by composers like Handel and Lully, in which Podger and the instrumental ensemble will shine.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Tutzing

Chamber Concert

Sun, May 25, 2025, 18:00
L'Accademia Giocosa, Marije Grevink (Baroque violin), Valérie Gillard (Baroque violin), David van Dijk (Baroque violin), Véronique Bastian (Baroque Viola), Hanno Simons (Baroque Cello), Lukas Richter (Double bass), Stefan Schilli (Baroque Oboe), Tobias Vogelmann (Baroque Oboe), Peter Kofler (Harpsichord)
The musicians of the Munich baroque ensemble L’Accademia Giocosa are considered experts of historical performance practice in the German-speaking world. The ensemble was founded in 2010 by members of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks and freelance artists from the early music scene with the aim of presenting the diverse sounds of the 17th and 18th centuries on original instruments and in a lively and engaging way – “giocoso” – as well as reintroducing forgotten works. For this chamber concert, L’Accademia Giocosa will present musical gems by Antonio Vivaldi, Luigi Boccherini, Joan Baptista Pla, Francesco Durante, and Georg Philipp Telemann that perfectly complement Sir Simon Rattle’s new Baroque initiative.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Katowice

Classical Evergreen: The Four Seasons

Sun, Jun 22, 2025, 19:30
Michaela Koudelková (Flute), Jana Semerádová (Flute), Martyna Pastuszka (Violin), Martyna Pastuszka (Art directing), {oh!} Orchestra, VCtrl & 2deko team (Visualizations), VCtrl & 2deko team (Media), Magdalena Łoś Komarnicka (Compere)
The album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd is one of the most popular musical works of the 20th century. It stayed almost sixteen years on the Billboard magazine list, which collects the two hundred most bought and listened to recordings in the USA in a given week. In the world of popular music, the British band remains unsurpassed. So perhaps a worthy rival should be sought in musical scores and concert performances? Who has not listened at least once to Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik or Beethoven's Fifth Symphony?Among the classical evergreens, however, Vivaldi's Four Seasons remains unrivalled. The popular violin concertos have received over a thousand recordings, one of which (Nigel Kennedy, 1986) has sold three million copies. They have also been played in at least five hundred films and undergone myriad remixes, the most popular of which is that by Max Richter, and perhaps the oldest was written by Bach himself. It is hard to believe that back in the 1940s, only some people remembered the then more than two-hundred-year-old works. Several pioneering recordings produced shortly afterwards made it clear to the world that no one could talk about feelings associated with atmospheric phenomena more beautifully than the Red Priest in the age of mass phonography and synthesisers. And yet, The Four Seasons is only just being rediscovered thanks to the exploration of historical performance. We wonder if the Red Priest would enjoy the A.D. 2025 version of {oh!} Orkiestra... Michał MendykConcert duration: approximately 90 minutes
Artistic depiction of the event
This season


Thu, Jun 26, 2025, 11:00
Ensemble Resonanz
Listening to live music is a wonderful experience. In the »Klangzeit« (Sound Time) concerts, you can close your eyes and escape everyday life for a moment. In the entertaining, hour-long concerts featuring the string players of Ensemble Resonanz, you can listen in a relaxed atmosphere, express yourself, sing along to well-known songs and move freely. Here, everyone can be themselves. This makes the format particularly suitable for people with dementia and their relatives. All venues are accessible.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season


Thu, Jun 26, 2025, 15:30
Ensemble Resonanz
Listening to live music is a wonderful experience. In the »Klangzeit« (Sound Time) concerts, you can close your eyes and escape everyday life for a moment. In the entertaining, hour-long concerts featuring the string players of Ensemble Resonanz, you can listen in a relaxed atmosphere, express yourself, sing along to well-known songs and move freely. Here, everyone can be themselves. This makes the format particularly suitable for people with dementia and their relatives. All venues are accessible.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season


Fri, Jun 27, 2025, 11:00
Ensemble Resonanz
Listening to live music is a wonderful experience. In the »Klangzeit« (Sound Time) concerts, you can close your eyes and escape everyday life for a moment. In the entertaining, hour-long concerts featuring the string players of Ensemble Resonanz, you can listen in a relaxed atmosphere, express yourself, sing along to well-known songs and move freely. Here, everyone can be themselves. This makes the format particularly suitable for people with dementia and their relatives. All venues are accessible.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg


Fri, Jun 27, 2025, 15:30
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Ensemble Resonanz
Listening to live music is a wonderful experience. In the »Klangzeit« (Sound Time) concerts, you can close your eyes and escape everyday life for a moment. In the entertaining, hour-long concerts featuring the string players of Ensemble Resonanz, you can listen in a relaxed atmosphere, express yourself, sing along to well-known songs and move freely. Here, everyone can be themselves. This makes the format particularly suitable for people with dementia and their relatives. All venues are accessible.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season


Sat, Jun 28, 2025, 11:00
KörberHaus, Körber Saal
Ensemble Resonanz
Listening to live music is a wonderful experience. In the »Klangzeit« (Sound Time) concerts, you can close your eyes and escape everyday life for a moment. In the entertaining, hour-long concerts featuring the string players of Ensemble Resonanz, you can listen in a relaxed atmosphere, express yourself, sing along to well-known songs and move freely. Here, everyone can be themselves. This makes the format particularly suitable for people with dementia and their relatives. All venues are accessible.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Amsterdam

Bach's soul

Wed, Oct 1, 2025, 20:15
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Utrecht

Bach's soul

Thu, Oct 2, 2025, 20:00
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Rhenen

Bach's soul

Fri, Oct 3, 2025, 20:15
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Naarden

Bach's soul

Sat, Oct 4, 2025, 20:15
Bart Naessens (Clavier), Bart Naessens (Leader), Stefanie True (Soprano), Alexander Chance (Alto), Anders Dahlin (Tenor), Tobias Berndt (Bass)
This programme takes you from deep misery to carefree happiness. The ensemble and top soloists including Stefanie True and Alexander Chance are led by Bart Naessens on a journey towards the light. Bach’s popular cantata Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight.Schmücke dich, O liebe Seel forms the magnificent highlight“In Bach’s day, a cantata was a musical sermon. Nowadays it’s amazing music, and a lesson in life for those who listen carefully. As a searching, uncertain person, where can you find a foothold and assurance? This rich programme shows you the way, with beautiful Bach cantatas and music by composers greatly admired by Bach himself: Johann Kuhnau and Johann Christoph Bach. Halfway along, Bach’s friend and colleague Telemann gives us a taste of what we’re ultimately working towards: carefree happiness and peace for the soul.