This season
In Hamburg
In Hamburg
Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank
Everything seems to have been said about them, books have been written, films made, podcasts produced, facts collected upon facts. And yet there remains a void into which all the facts and words cannot penetrate - but the music can. In his composition, Grigori Frid approaches the inner states of Anne Frank, traces her longings and fears, and thus echoes the great literary power of Anne Frank's words. He creates a sensualization of the situation and thus a strong possibility of identification for young people today. After the White Rose, this graphic opera is dedicated to another iconic figure and victim of the Nazi dictatorship: Anne Frank. Digital and handmade, with comic, film, gore and poetry, documentary and fantastic, telling history and stories differently. For the truth behind reality! Production: David Bösch Setsund costume: Patrick Bannwart Video: Falko Herold Dramaturgy: Janina Zell, Michael Sangkuhl Music theater pedagogy: Maura Kopschitz