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Classical concerts featuring
Stefanos Tisalis


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Works by
Charles Chaplin

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Concerts featuring Stefanos Tisalis in season 2024/25 or later

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Next month
In Hamburg

Symphoniker Hamburg / Stefanos Tsialis

Thu, Apr 17, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Symphoniker Hamburg, Stefanos Tisalis (Conductor)
This text discusses Charlie Chaplin's movie "Modern Times," focusing on its tragicomic nature and Chaplin's innovative use of music and sound. It highlights the film's emotional impact, Chaplin's unique performance style, and the timeless message of hope conveyed in the ending. The text also mentions a live performance of the film's score conducted by Stefanos Tsialis, emphasizing the complexity and precision of Chaplin's musical composition.