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Classical concerts featuring
Oliver Rohrbeck


Quick overview of musician Oliver Rohrbeck by associated keywords

CitiesFrequently performs in


MusiciansFrequently collaborate with

Jörg Klinkenberg

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Oliver Rohrbeck in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Die drei ??? und der Phantomsee

Mon, Sep 15, 2025, 19:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Oliver Rohrbeck (Narrator), Jörg Klinkenberg (Foley artist)
Oliver Rohrbeck, narrator of the »Die drei ???« detective Justus Jonas, and the iconic foley artist Jörg Klinkenberg are touring Germany with a interactive event. Together, they will take the audience on a journey back to the beginnings of the three detectives’ exciting investigations. Together with up to eight fans, they create a unique live radio play on stage. Live noises, hand-picked music and a detailed sound design provide the right soundscape and show the audience live what otherwise remains hidden behind the walls of the radio play studios.