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Classical concerts featuring
Kendlingers K&K Philharmoniker


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Concerts featuring Kendlingers K&K Philharmoniker in season 2024/25 or later

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This season
In Leipzig

Best of Verdi meets Kendlinger

Thu, May 8, 2025, 20:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
Kendlingers K&K Philharmoniker (Orchestra), K&K Opernchor (Choir), Philipp Scheucher (Piano), Yann Antonio (Dance), Chorsolisten (Soprano), Matthias Georg Kendlinger (Conductor), Max Kendlinger (Conductor)
Classical music at its most moving: Verdi's "Va, pensiero" meets Kendlinger's "Höre Mensch" in a concert for human rights. The Italian opera maestro and contemporary Austrian composer Matthias Georg Kendlinger share a focus on humanity. Father & son Kendlingers conduct the K&K Philharmonic, K&K Opera Choir, vocal soloists, and pianist Philipp Scheucher. Hip-hop dancer Yann Antonio performs to Verdi's "Macbeth" ballet music. "Best of Verdi meets Kendlinger" connects generations.