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Classical concerts featuring
Christian Gerber


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These concerts featuring Christian Gerber became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

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This season
In Hamburg

Viva el Tango – Piazzolla Fest

Sun, Jul 6, 2025, 18:30
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Christian Gerber (Bandoneon), Fernando Bruguera (Piano), Tigran Mikaelyan (Violin), Tair Turganov (Double bass)
Born in Buenos Aires in 1921, Astor Piazzolla had already established himself worldwide as a film composer and chamber musician when he developed Nuevo Tango around 1961 and began travelling the world with his quintet – he himself played the bandoneon – as a »missionary of tango«. His first performances in Germany in the early 1980s were celebrated as a sensation. He had turned the once ridiculed and despised music of the dodgy nightclubs into a great form of contemporary art, enriched with classical harmony and instrumentation, with influences from jazz, baroque music and new music. The traditional »Tangueros« of his homeland threatened him in the streets for this, but the tango only conquered the world thanks to him: Astor Piazzolla.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Christian Gerber in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Essen

Eine Liedreise mit Fatma Said and Friends

Sat, Jun 7, 2025, 19:00
Fatma Said (Soprano), Christian Gerber (Bandoneon), Henning Sieverts (Contrabass), Tim Allhoff, Joseph Middleton (Piano)
Das Konzert muss leider ersatzlos entfallen. Fatma Said bedauert zutiefst, dass es ihr aufgrund von unvorhergesehenen Umständen nicht möglich ist, in diesem Konzert aufzutreten. Sie hatte sich bereits sehr darauf gefreut, für das Essener Publikum zu singen.Fast wäre sie Tennisprofi geworden, aber es ist anders gekommen. Ein Chorleiter in ihrer Heimatstadt Kairo hatte ihr Talent erkannt und sie nach Kräften gefördert. Heute ist Fatma Said eine gefeierte Sopranistin. Ihr Debüt gab sie in der "Zauberflöte", 2016 an der Mailänder Scala. Fünf Jahre später gewann sie nicht nur einen "Opus Klassik"-Preis, sondern wurde auch vom BBC Music Magazine zum "Newcomer of the Year" gekürt. Said liebt es, mit ihren Konzerten die Grenzen von Genres und Kulturen zu verwischen. "Jede Kultur hat ihre Musik. Aber jede war von der anderen auch sehr beeinflusst", meint sie. In Essen schickt sie ihre Zuhörer*innen auf eine Liederreise. Zunächst taucht sie tief ein in die deutsche Romantik. Dann schlägt sie die Brücke zur populären Musik Europas und vereint den Tango Argentiniens mit den Klängen des Orients.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

Viva el Tango – Piazzolla Fest

Sun, Jul 6, 2025, 18:30
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Christian Gerber (Bandoneon), Fernando Bruguera (Piano), Tigran Mikaelyan (Violin), Tair Turganov (Double bass)
Born in Buenos Aires in 1921, Astor Piazzolla had already established himself worldwide as a film composer and chamber musician when he developed Nuevo Tango around 1961 and began travelling the world with his quintet – he himself played the bandoneon – as a »missionary of tango«. His first performances in Germany in the early 1980s were celebrated as a sensation. He had turned the once ridiculed and despised music of the dodgy nightclubs into a great form of contemporary art, enriched with classical harmony and instrumentation, with influences from jazz, baroque music and new music. The traditional »Tangueros« of his homeland threatened him in the streets for this, but the tango only conquered the world thanks to him: Astor Piazzolla.