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Classical concerts featuring
Alex Hren


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MusiciansFrequently collaborate with

Aline Sarah Müller

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Concerts featuring Alex Hren in season 2024/25 or later

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This season

Auf ein Schwätzchen mit Aline Sarah Müller & Alex Hren

Sat, May 17, 2025, 12:30
Aline Sarah Müller (Composer), Alex Hren (Komponist)
Free concerts take place all day at the Cologne Philharmonic Hall, Filmforum, and WDR Funkhaus. The Hafenschänke, just five minutes away, is open for drinks and browsing the digital program. Visitors can also discuss the artists and concerts with each other and some of the artists themselves, such as Aline Sarah Müller and Alex Hren around 12:30 pm.