The Neue Philharmonie Hamburg was founded in 2003 and is made up of freelance professional musicians from all over the world. Its artistic portfolio focuses on symphonic music from the Baroque to the Modern periods. In addition, the Neue Philharmonie Hamburg also regularly appears in smaller formations, such as chamber music ensembles.
Welcome to a pre-Christmas experience with well-known Christmas carols with a full symphony orchestra, choir and soloists, combined with the Christmas music from the classical repertoire. Trond Husebø is the conductor and Bror Magnus Tødenes is the soloist in this year’s edition of the concert, with Haddy Njie as the host.
Welcome to a pre-Christmas experience with well-known Christmas carols with a full symphony orchestra, choir and soloists, combined with the Christmas music from the classical repertoire. Trond Husebø is the conductor and Bror Magnus Tødenes is the soloist in this year’s edition of the concert, with Haddy Njie as the host.
Welcome to a pre-Christmas experience with well-known Christmas carols with a full symphony orchestra, choir and soloists, combined with the Christmas music from the classical repertoire. Trond Husebø is the conductor and Bror Magnus Tødenes is the soloist in this year’s edition of the concert, with Haddy Njie as the host.
Uraufführungen, Improvisationen, Recitals, Solistenkonzerte oder Kammermusik – der französisch-britische Pianist, Komponist und Cembalist Orlando Bass ist ein Multitalent. Nach seinem Studium in Paris absolviert er an der Eisler sein Konzertexamen bei Prof. Kirill Gerstein und spielt im Konzert neben Sonaten von Schostakowitsch und Ginastera auch eine eigene Komposition. Die chinesische Koloratursopranistin Shuchen Dai legt nach ihrem Masterstudium nun bei Prof. Ewa Wolak ihr Konzertexamen ab. Mit dem Pianisten Matthias Samuil wird sie neben Liedern von Strauss und Liszt auch weniger bekanntes französisches Repertoire aus dem 19. Jahrhundert der beiden Komponistinnen und Opernsängerinnen Pauline Viardot-García und Eva Dell'Acqua aufführen.Gemeinsam mit dem Konzerthaus Berlin präsentiert die Eisler in der Konzertreihe „EislerStars“ herausragende Talente der Hochschule, die ihr Konzertexamen absolvieren. Sie sind international bereits erfolgreich, haben renommierte Musikwettbewerbe gewonnen und sind regelmäßig solistisch zu Gast auf den großen Bühnen.
In the evening at the bar, someone tells great stories: Adventure, drama, entanglement, love, wisdom, humour. The radioeins storytelling lounge has been creating exactly this situation since 2023. The actress and author Meike Rötzer tells in her own words what she has gleaned from the most productive of all. The radioeins storytelling lounge now becomes a radioeins storytelling concert thanks to the RSB! The literary radio format takes to the live stage, musically enhanced by the large symphony orchestra and suitable works from Gustav Mahler to Maria Herz (!). Thomas Mann’s cult novel “The Magic Mountain” is itself an invitation.The event takes about 3 hours including a break.