Sinfoniekonzert Leipziger Universitätsorchester
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
"Romeo and Juliet", one of the most popular ballets, tells a story about young, impetuous love and deep-seated old hatred. American choreographer Lauren Lovette focuses on the relationships and feelings between the characters in Shakespeare's captivating drama. The timeless perspective on love, tragedy, friendship, and loss is highlighted by Thomas Mika's stage and costume ball design.
Mitreißende Musik und die wohl größte Liebesgeschichte des literarischen Kanons - "Romeo und Julia" ist eines der beliebtesten Ballette überhaupt. Die Erzählung von junger, ungestümer Liebe und tiefsitzendem altem Hass ist unzählige Male für die Bühne, für Film und Fernsehen adaptiert worden. Die amerikanische Choreographin Lauren Lovette legt in ihrer ersten Arbeit für das Leipziger Ballett den Fokus auf den Kern der Tragödie: die Beziehungen und Gefühle zwischen den Figuren, die wir alle kennen und deren bekannter Geschichte wir folgen dürfen. In Shakespeares einnehmendem Drama findet sich die Liebe in all ihren Formen - sei sie romantisch, platonisch oder familiär - und wird der Katalysator für größtes Glück und tiefsten Schmerz. Das Bühnen- und Kostümball von Thomas Mika ermöglicht eine zeitlose Perspektive auf Liebe, Tragödie, Freundschaft und Verlust und verwebt den Zauber der Erzählung mit dem des Theaters selbst.
Ballett von Lauren Lovette | Premiere