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The Festival of Premieres

The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In... Read full text

Keywords: The Festival of Premieres

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Michał KlauzaConductor
Tymoteusz BiesPiano
Sławomir KupczakElectronics


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Last update: Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 23:36

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The Festival of Premieres

Fri, Mar 14, 2025, 21:00
Silesian String Quartet, NeoQuartet
The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In order to discover themselves, composers sometimes need extraordinary soloists who play unusual instruments (Paweł Romańczuk’s theremin in Paweł Hendrich’s Sfumato) or such instruments that are only superficially usual (Małgorzata Walentynowicz in Jacek Sotomski’s Piano Concerto). An intergenerational, acoustic-electric meeting is about to take place between the Silesian String Quartet and the NeoQuartet, while the ensemble OMN will perform together with the Camerata Silesia. We will also take care of the little ones (Baby Opera by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska), and the AUKSO strings will sing Krzysztof Knittel’s composition on “the gift of life” (the Hawaiian ka makana o ke ola). And what discoveries will the Warsaw-based Hashtag Ensemble bring us? See (and hear!) you at NOSPR from 14th to 16th March.
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The Festival of Premieres

Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 18:00
Szymon Bywalec (Conductor), Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej, Anna Szostak (Conductor), The Katowice City Singers' Ensemble Camerata Silesia, Mateusz Śmigasiewicz (Electronics), Nina Fukuoka (Electronics), Izumi Yoshida (Visualization)
The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In order to discover themselves, composers sometimes need extraordinary soloists who play unusual instruments (Paweł Romańczuk’s theremin in Paweł Hendrich’s Sfumato) or such instruments that are only superficially usual (Małgorzata Walentynowicz in Jacek Sotomski’s Piano Concerto). An intergenerational, acoustic-electric meeting is about to take place between the Silesian String Quartet and the NeoQuartet, while the ensemble OMN will perform together with the Camerata Silesia. We will also take care of the little ones (Baby Opera by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska), and the AUKSO strings will sing Krzysztof Knittel’s composition on “the gift of life” (the Hawaiian ka makana o ke ola). And what discoveries will the Warsaw-based Hashtag Ensemble bring us? See (and hear!) you at NOSPR from 14th to 16th March.
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The Festival of Premieres

Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 20:00
Marek Moś (Conductor), AUKSO Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy, Rafał Łuc (Accordion), Jens Bracher (Trumpet)
The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In order to discover themselves, composers sometimes need extraordinary soloists who play unusual instruments (Paweł Romańczuk’s theremin in Paweł Hendrich’s Sfumato) or such instruments that are only superficially usual (Małgorzata Walentynowicz in Jacek Sotomski’s Piano Concerto). An intergenerational, acoustic-electric meeting is about to take place between the Silesian String Quartet and the NeoQuartet, while the ensemble OMN will perform together with the Camerata Silesia. We will also take care of the little ones (Baby Opera by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska), and the AUKSO strings will sing Krzysztof Knittel’s composition on “the gift of life” (the Hawaiian ka makana o ke ola). And what discoveries will the Warsaw-based Hashtag Ensemble bring us? See (and hear!) you at NOSPR from 14th to 16th March.
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The Festival of Premieres

Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 12:00
Vincent Kozlovsky (Conductor), NOSPR, Małgorzata Walentynowicz (Piano), Paweł Romańczuk
The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In order to discover themselves, composers sometimes need extraordinary soloists who play unusual instruments (Paweł Romańczuk’s theremin in Paweł Hendrich’s Sfumato) or such instruments that are only superficially usual (Małgorzata Walentynowicz in Jacek Sotomski’s Piano Concerto). An intergenerational, acoustic-electric meeting is about to take place between the Silesian String Quartet and the NeoQuartet, while the ensemble OMN will perform together with the Camerata Silesia. We will also take care of the little ones (Baby Opera by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska), and the AUKSO strings will sing Krzysztof Knittel’s composition on “the gift of life” (the Hawaiian ka makana o ke ola). And what discoveries will the Warsaw-based Hashtag Ensemble bring us? See (and hear!) you at NOSPR from 14th to 16th March.
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The Festival of Premieres

Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 15:00
Hashtag Ensemble, Dominik Płociński (Cello), Alexandra Ołdak (Visualization)
The Festival of Premieres is a celebration of discoveries – both the latest ones and those which had to wait for their time to come. After all, the masters of traditional and baroque music taught us that discoveries can be made after hundreds or even thousands of years. The forgotten minimalistic works by Tomasz Sikorski and Zygmunt Krauze waited decades for their premieres, and so did Barbara Buczek’s Anekumena, which could not be more stylistically distant from the two. In order to discover themselves, composers sometimes need extraordinary soloists who play unusual instruments (Paweł Romańczuk’s theremin in Paweł Hendrich’s Sfumato) or such instruments that are only superficially usual (Małgorzata Walentynowicz in Jacek Sotomski’s Piano Concerto). An intergenerational, acoustic-electric meeting is about to take place between the Silesian String Quartet and the NeoQuartet, while the ensemble OMN will perform together with the Camerata Silesia. We will also take care of the little ones (Baby Opera by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska), and the AUKSO strings will sing Krzysztof Knittel’s composition on “the gift of life” (the Hawaiian ka makana o ke ola). And what discoveries will the Warsaw-based Hashtag Ensemble bring us? See (and hear!) you at NOSPR from 14th to 16th March.
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The power of brass, the might of the manuals

Fri, May 23, 2025, 19:30
Ireneusz Wyrwa (Organ), Piotr Nowak (Trumpet), Tomasz Hajda (Trombone), Michał Żymełka (Drums), Benedykt Matusik (Trumpet), Krzysztof Tomczyk (French horn), Jakub Urbańczyk (Tuba), Wojciech Morcinczyk (Drums)
Although the organ is traditionally associated with sacred music and grand concerts, it can also be a fascinating complement to less typical chamber settings. The untypical combinations in this year’s organ concert series provide unique sounds and new, unexpected combinations. The result? We become more open to new interpretational possibilities and free experimenting. The programme of the concert, including pieces by Petr Eben, Otto Hoser, Thierry Escaich and Craig Phillips, shows how well the organ can sound paired with brass instruments and percussion. Hear it for yourselves: a fascinating richness of new possibilities! [Alexandra Kozowicz] Concert duration: approximately 50 minutes
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Matinée of the Friends of the Berliner Philharmoniker e. V. The Queen of instruments

Sun, Jun 23, 2024, 11:00
Philharmonie Berlin, Main Auditorium (Berlin)
Richard Gowers (Organ), Dr. Oliver Hilmes (Referent), Susanne Stähr (Referentin)
The organ in the Philharmonie, which was built in 1965 by the Schuke organ builders, is one of the most important concert hall organs in the world, with its 6,500 pipes and 90 stops. It is not only heard in symphonic repertoire, in works such as Strauss’s Also sprach Zarathustra, but also in the popular series of organ matinées presented by internationally acclaimed virtuosos. This instrument is one of the Friends’ most important projects: they financed a complete refurbishment between 2010 and 2012. During the past season, however, the electronic system, with which the various stops are called up in a matter of seconds, refused to do its job. Since entire key segments failed and the instrument could no longer be used, a renovation was urgently needed: it will be carried out during the summer break in 2023 and again financed by the Friends. At this organ matinée, we would like to present the “queen of instruments” with its new brilliance and sound – and offer you an exciting look at what goes on inside.
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The Glory of Queen

Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 20:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Großer Saal (Leipzig)
Queen ist eine der größten Rockbands aller Zeiten. "We are the Champions" sang der einzigartige Freddie Mercury bereits in den 70ern - und Freddie, die Diva des Rock, hinterlässt eine enorme Beliebtheit bei Millionen von Fans. So wählten ihn die Leser der Zeitschrift „Classic Rock“ im Jahr 2009 zum besten Sänger aller Zeiten. Aber auch seine Qualitäten als Komponist waren außergewöhnlich. Das belegen Welthits wie: „Bohemian Rhapsody“, "Crazy little Thing", „Don´t Stop me now“ u.v.m. MerQury ist eine der wenigen Gruppen, die mittlerweile weltweit vor begeistertem Publikum auftreten. Viele Touren führten sie durch Europa und Nordamerika. Seit der Gründung 1991 spielten MerQury weit über 1.500 Shows in 16 verschiedenen Ländern. Die Musiker der Band waren außerdem Hauptakteure in dem Erfolgsmusical „We are the champions“, welches von mehr als 150.000 Fans in ganz Europa gefeiert wurde. Hierbei geht das Konzept von MerQury mit einer Mischung aus täuschend echt interpretierten Queen-Songs und eigenen kreativen Stilistiken voll auf. Die fünf Vollblutmusiker überzeugen selbst eingeschworene Queen-Fans und bieten den Besuchern ein außergewöhnliches Konzerterlebnis. Die gelungene Kombination von brillantem Sound, aufwendiger Lichtshow mit explosiven Pyroeffekten, schrille Kostüme und jede Menge Publikumsinteraktion machen jedes Konzert von MerQury unvergleichlich. Als Frontmann überzeugt der aus Montreal stammende Johnny Zatylny nicht nur optisch in der Rolle von „Freddie Mercury“. Vor allem stimmlich brilliert der Sänger in schwierigen Passagen weltbekannter Queen-Songs. Als extravaganter Entertainer gewinnt er in kürzester Zeit die Sympathie der Zuschauer. Lassen Sie sich begeistern von einer aufwendigen Bühnenshow, dem einzigartigen Queen-Sound, live gespielt auf originalgetreuen Instrumenten und unterstützt von einer authentischen Lichtshow. Machen Sie eine Zeitreise in die 70er und 80er, der großen Ära von Queen und ihren unvergesslichen Hymnen. Erleben Sie emotionale Momente, lassen Sie sich "rocken" und feiern Sie mit dieser phantastischen Show den unvergleichlichen Freddie Mercury und seine Band.