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Michael Martin

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Fri, Mar 21, 2025, 19:00
Michael Martin has been travelling the world by motorbike for almost thirty years. After travelling to Morocco on a moped as a schoolboy in 1981, it was a decade before he rode through Africa on a motorbike for the first time. Since then, he has not only crossed the deserts of Africa, but also the deserts of Asia, Australia and America on his motorbike. Michael Martin has not only travelled through deserts, but has also conquered 5000-metre-high Himalayan passes on... Read full text
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Last update: Sun, Nov 3, 2024, 19:45

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Michael Martin

Sat, Jan 4, 2025, 15:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Michael Martin (Vortrag)
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Fri, May 16, 2025, 20:00
Martin Kohlstedt (Piano), Martin Kohlstedt (Electronics), Robert Kröber (Lighting design), André Karius (Sound engineer)
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