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Sebastian Heindl Fenster zur Ewigkeit

Date & Time
Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 20:30
Icons in Eastern Orthodox churches are seen as windows to eternity, connecting worshippers with saints. Similarly, J.S. Bach's music is iconic. Sebastian Heindl, organist at Berlin's Gedächtniskirche, connects Bach's baroque with contemporary compositions, including his own. Messiaen builds a celestial church, Pärt revisits Catholic Mass tradition, and Glass works with expanding figurations.

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Keywords: Musikfestival

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Sebastian HeindlOrgan


Johann Sebastian BachPräludium e-Moll BWV 548/1
Olivier MessiaenApparition de l'église éternelle
Johann Sebastian BachDuetto Nr. 1 e-Moll BWV 802
Philip GlassMusic in Contrary Motion
Johann Sebastian BachDuetto Nr. 2 F-Dur BWV 803
György LigetiHungarian Rock
Johann Sebastian BachDuetto Nr. 3 G-Dur BWV 804
Arvo PärtAnnum per annum
Johann Sebastian BachDuetto Nr. 4 a-Moll BWV 805
Sebastian HeindlEtüde "The Lost Sheep"
Johann Sebastian BachFuge e-Moll BWV 548/2
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Last update: Mon, Mar 3, 2025, 23:55

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