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Concerts with works by
Sebastian Heindl


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CitiesFrequently performed in

In Germany

MusiciansFrequently performed in concert featuring

Sebastian Heindl

New Arrivals

These concerts with works by Sebastian Heindl became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Heidelberg

Sebastian Heindl Fenster zur Ewigkeit

Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 20:30
Sebastian Heindl (Organ)
Icons in Eastern Orthodox churches are seen as windows to eternity, connecting worshippers with saints. Similarly, J.S. Bach's music is iconic. Sebastian Heindl, organist at Berlin's Gedächtniskirche, connects Bach's baroque with contemporary compositions, including his own. Messiaen builds a celestial church, Pärt revisits Catholic Mass tradition, and Glass works with expanding figurations.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Sebastian Heindl is performed

Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Heidelberg

Sebastian Heindl Fenster zur Ewigkeit

Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 20:30
Sebastian Heindl (Organ)
Icons in Eastern Orthodox churches are seen as windows to eternity, connecting worshippers with saints. Similarly, J.S. Bach's music is iconic. Sebastian Heindl, organist at Berlin's Gedächtniskirche, connects Bach's baroque with contemporary compositions, including his own. Messiaen builds a celestial church, Pärt revisits Catholic Mass tradition, and Glass works with expanding figurations.