Liedakademie Öffentliche Meisterklasse 5 mit Susan Manoff
Date & Time
Fri, May 30, 2025, 14:00In this public masterclass, Susan Manoff works with the scholarship holders of the Heidelberg Spring Song Academy on musicality, technique, and expressiveness in art song. The audience has the unique opportunity to get to know the next generation of song artists and to observe Susan Manoff at work. The masterclasses are part of the final work phase, culminating in a grand final concert. The impressive progress of the young singers and pianists will be noticeable.A summary from original text in German | Read the original
Keywords: Liedfestival
Susan Manoff | Dozentin |
Elitsa Desseva | Studienleiterin |
Stipendiat*innen der Heidelberger Frühling Liedakademie |
To be updated... |