Northern Lights - Nordic and German choral music
Date & Time
Fri, Jun 6, 2025, 19:00Venue
LukaskircheKeywords: Choir
Iris Geißler | Conductor |
Philharmonischer Chor Dresden |
To be updated... |
Keywords: Choir
Iris Geißler | Conductor |
Philharmonischer Chor Dresden |
To be updated... |
These events are similar in terms of concept, place, musicians or the program.
There are some annoying traditions, and then there are those that really make an event complete. The Christmas concert of our Philharmonic Children's Choir undoubtedly belongs to the latter! Once again this year, they invite grandparents, parents, and especially all children to listen to familiar and lesser-known Christmas songs, and to sing along to some of them. After that, the celebration can begin...
There are some annoying traditions, and then there are those that really make an event complete. The Christmas concert of our Philharmonic Children's Choir undoubtedly belongs to the latter! Once again this year, they invite grandparents, parents, and especially all children to listen to familiar and lesser-known Christmas songs, and to sing along to some of them. After that, the celebration can begin...
There are some annoying traditions, and then there are those that really make an event complete. The Christmas concert of our Philharmonic Children's Choir undoubtedly belongs to the latter! Once again this year, they invite grandparents, parents, and especially all children to listen to familiar and lesser-known Christmas songs, and to sing along to some of them. After that, the celebration can begin...
Weihnachten ist eine Zeit, in der man Ruhe findet und zuhört. Um zu hören, was im Leben wichtig ist. Weihnachten ist voller Traditionen, die Menschen über Altersgrenzen hinweg verbinden und die Gegenwart mit der Vergangenheit verknüpfen. Die Sängerin Helene Blum und der Geiger Harald Haugaard holen die besondere Atmosphäre des nordischen Winters in den Konzertsaal. Ihr Programm „Nordic Christmas“ feiert mit authentischen und liebevoll ausgewählten Stücken und Geschichten diese verheißungsvolle Zeit. Gekonnt erzählen das dänische Musikerpaar und seine wechselnden Gäste von den kleinen Momenten, und zwischen den Noten sieht das Publikum die Spuren im Schnee, hört die Kobolde kichern, Rentiere klappern. Die Zeit scheint still zu stehen - bis der nächste Trommelwirbel ertönt und ein munterer Tanz beginnt... Helene Blum und Harald Haugaard gehören zu den gefragtesten dänischen Namen des Modern Nordic Folk. Ihr ausgeprägtes Gespür für berührende Melodien, ihre Vielseitigkeit und musikalische Tiefe zeigen sie in eigenen Kompositionen und mit zeitgemäßen Arrangements traditioneller Stücke. Schwindlig schnelle Rhythmen oder zart schwebende Klänge, beides findet scheinbar mühelos zueinander. Haugaards virtuoses Violinspiel und der elegante Sound der Band umhüllen den hellen, klaren Gesang von Helene Blum dabei wunderbar stimmig. In diesem Jahr sind zwei schwedische Musiker zu Gast auf der Tour. Die Geigerin Lena Jonsson gibt ihr Debüt bei Blum & Haugaard. Sie ist eine der bedeutendsten Geigerinnen der schwedischen Folkmusik und tourt mit ihrem u.a. mit dem schwedischen Grammy ausgezeichneten „Lena Jonsson Trio“ durch die Welt. Mattias Pérez ist ein wahrer Zauberer auf der 12-saitigen Gitarre und vervollständigt zusammen mit der Cellistin Kirstine Elise Pedersen und dem Schlagzeuger Sune Rahbek, die beide aus Dänemark stammen und Mitglieder der Blum & Haugaard Band sind, das Nordic Christmas Ensemble 2024. Weihnachten und Advent sind voller Musik, die die Menschen in der Botschaft des Friedens auf Erden vereint, und alle sind herzlich zur Nordischen Weihnachten 2024 eingeladen.
The Baltic Sea Philharmonic, Kristjan Järvi, and Nordic Pulse return to Cologne with "Nordic Swans" after last year's success. Known for their energy and performance, the orchestra plays from memory, dances, and sings. "Nordic Swans" is inspired by Tchaikovsky and explores the Nordic spirit.
Christmas is a time to find peace and to listen. To hear what is important in life. Christmas is full of traditions that connect people across age boundaries and link the present with the past. Singer Helene Blum and violinist Harald Haugaard bring the special atmosphere of the Nordic winter into the concert hall. Their programme »Nordic Christmas« celebrates this auspicious time with authentic and lovingly selected pieces and stories. The Danish musicians and their changing guests skilfully tell of the little moments, and between the notes the audience sees the tracks in the snow, hears the goblins giggling and the reindeer rattling. Time seems to stand still – until the next drum roll sounds and a lively dance begins...
Sibelius' Fifth Symphony is his most performed and beloved. He already felt during its composition that he was creating something great. ”Have received a wonderful theme”, he noted in a diary entry. He had seen sixteen swans, which gave him the idea for the magnificent theme in the final movement. ”One of the great experiences of my life! My God, what beauty.” The orchestra is led by the Latvian conductor Aivis Greters, who has conducted the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra a couple of times in recent years. As a prelude to Sibelius after the interval, we hear the latest orchestral work by the Swedish composer Jacob Mühlrad. The world premiere of Resil was recently performed by the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, and here the work is presented for the first time in a version for a large symphony orchestra. Read more about Resil (opens in a new window)The composer, pianist, and conductor Adolf Wiklund's two piano concertos are among the best Swedish works in their genre. The first concerto from 1906 is grandly romantic in the footsteps of Rachmaninov, spiced with a touch of Grieg and a pinch of his friend Stenhammar. Wiklund was also the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra's second conductor, from 1925 to 1938.As the soloist in Wiklund's first piano concerto, we have the versatile pianist Magnus Svensson. He performs concerts both in Sweden and internationally. He has particularly immersed himself in the art lieder and is the artistic director for Konserthuset’s series of lied concerts. Since 2012, he has also been working at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music with re-publishing older Swedish music.
Sibelius' Fifth Symphony is his most performed and beloved. He already felt during its composition that he was creating something great. ”Have received a wonderful theme”, he noted in a diary entry. He had seen sixteen swans, which gave him the idea for the magnificent theme in the final movement. ”One of the great experiences of my life! My God, what beauty.” The orchestra is led by the Latvian conductor Aivis Greters, who has conducted the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra a couple of times in recent years. As a prelude to Sibelius after the interval, we hear the latest orchestral work by the Swedish composer Jacob Mühlrad. The world premiere of Resil was recently performed by the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, and here the work is presented for the first time in a version for a large symphony orchestra. Read more about Resil (opens in a new window)The composer, pianist, and conductor Adolf Wiklund's two piano concertos are among the best Swedish works in their genre. The first concerto from 1906 is grandly romantic in the footsteps of Rachmaninov, spiced with a touch of Grieg and a pinch of his friend Stenhammar. Wiklund was also the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra's second conductor, from 1925 to 1938.As the soloist in Wiklund's first piano concerto, we have the versatile pianist Magnus Svensson. He performs concerts both in Sweden and internationally. He has particularly immersed himself in the art lieder and is the artistic director for Konserthuset’s series of lied concerts. Since 2012, he has also been working at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music with re-publishing older Swedish music.
Chamber of Lights is a chamber orchestra based in Berlin. From Romantic duo recitals to a 24-strong Baroque orchestra, the ensemble is extremely flexible – so too at the Laeiszhalle. For Vivaldi’s »Four Seasons«, violinist Igor Budinstein supports Chamber of Lights.
German Brass has been in existence for 50 years, which is almost an eternity for a music ensemble, as it means carefully integrating new and younger members into the ensemble time and again without losing a single ounce of musical quality. The fact that German Brass has won numerous national and international record awards is almost a side note. German Brass owes its success to its sound. As a pioneer among brass ensembles, German Brass has not only made music history since its foundation in 1974 but has also continued its success story. The ten brass players are characterised in particular by the fact that they uncompromisingly sound of their ensemble, finding and inventing it anew in every concert and every recording.