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STAR WARS in Concert

Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 19:30
Ernst van Tiel (Conductor), Dresdner Philharmonie
In 1983, George Lucas completed the original trilogy of his "Star Wars" saga with "Return of the Jedi". Cult figures like Yoda and Darth Vader, fantastic locations like the desert planet Tatooine or the second Death Star, and Oscar-winning special effects continue to captivate audiences of all ages. Thanks in part to the award-winning soundtrack by John Williams, the space epic has achieved cult status. A galactic cinema and sound journey awaits viewers and listeners as the third film of the science fiction saga comes to the Kulturpalast for the first time. While the Dresden Philharmonic, under the direction of Ernst van Tiel, performs the impressive soundtrack live, the film will be shown in its entirety on a large screen. The second, more powerful Death Star, intended to seal the final defeat of the rebels, is nearing completion. The rebels gather their forces on the moon of Endor to fight against the Empire and the dark side of the Force. Meanwhile, Luke returns to the remote planet Dagobah to complete his training as a Jedi Knight under Master Yoda. He learns from Yoda that he must confront his father, Darth Vader, one last time. As the attack on the Death Star begins, there is another lightsaber duel between father and son. The film will be shown in German without subtitles.
Artistic depiction of the event

STAR WARS in Concert

Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 14:00
Ernst van Tiel (Conductor), Dresdner Philharmonie
In 1983, George Lucas completed the original trilogy of his "Star Wars" saga with "Return of the Jedi". Cult figures like Yoda and Darth Vader, fantastic locations like the desert planet Tatooine or the second Death Star, and Oscar-winning special effects continue to captivate audiences of all ages. Thanks in part to the award-winning soundtrack by John Williams, the space epic has achieved cult status. A galactic cinema and sound journey awaits viewers and listeners as the third film of the science fiction saga comes to the Kulturpalast for the first time. While the Dresden Philharmonic, under the direction of Ernst van Tiel, performs the impressive soundtrack live, the film will be shown in its entirety on a large screen. The second, more powerful Death Star, intended to seal the final defeat of the rebels, is nearing completion. The rebels gather their forces on the moon of Endor to fight against the Empire and the dark side of the Force. Meanwhile, Luke returns to the remote planet Dagobah to complete his training as a Jedi Knight under Master Yoda. He learns from Yoda that he must confront his father, Darth Vader, one last time. As the attack on the Death Star begins, there is another lightsaber duel between father and son. The film will be shown in German without subtitles.
Artistic depiction of the event

STAR WARS in Concert

Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 19:30
Ernst van Tiel (Conductor), Dresdner Philharmonie
In 1983, George Lucas completed the original trilogy of his "Star Wars" saga with "Return of the Jedi". Cult figures like Yoda and Darth Vader, fantastic locations like the desert planet Tatooine or the second Death Star, and Oscar-winning special effects continue to captivate audiences of all ages. Thanks in part to the award-winning soundtrack by John Williams, the space epic has achieved cult status. A galactic cinema and sound journey awaits viewers and listeners as the third film of the science fiction saga comes to the Kulturpalast for the first time. While the Dresden Philharmonic, under the direction of Ernst van Tiel, performs the impressive soundtrack live, the film will be shown in its entirety on a large screen. The second, more powerful Death Star, intended to seal the final defeat of the rebels, is nearing completion. The rebels gather their forces on the moon of Endor to fight against the Empire and the dark side of the Force. Meanwhile, Luke returns to the remote planet Dagobah to complete his training as a Jedi Knight under Master Yoda. He learns from Yoda that he must confront his father, Darth Vader, one last time. As the attack on the Death Star begins, there is another lightsaber duel between father and son. The film will be shown in German without subtitles.
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This season
In Dresden

Blockbuster Battle: Hans Zimmer vs. John Williams

Fri, Jun 27, 2025, 19:30
Benjamin Pope (Conductor), Tom Wlaschiha (Moderator), Dresdner Philharmonie
Note: These concerts replace the concert series "Legends" and "Kid's Night", which were originally supposed to take place as part of the Film Nights at the Elbe River.<br><br>An evening with the classics of film music that brings to life the worlds of Harry Potter, Gladiator, Batman, Indiana Jones, and Game of Thrones. The focus is on the compositions of Hans Zimmer and John Williams - arguably the greatest masters of their craft. The audience votes during the concert on which music delivers the biggest goosebumps moments. After the concert, the lounge and drinks invite you to linger and end the evening in a summery atmosphere. A highlight for film fans and lovers of great melodies. <br><br>Suitable for children aged 5 and above.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Dresden

Blockbuster Battle: Hans Zimmer vs. John Williams

Sat, Jun 28, 2025, 19:30
Benjamin Pope (Conductor), Tom Wlaschiha (Moderator), Dresdner Philharmonie
Note: These concerts replace the concert series "Legends" and "Kid's Night", which were originally supposed to take place as part of the Film Nights at the Elbe River.<br><br>An evening with the classics of film music that brings to life the worlds of Harry Potter, Gladiator, Batman, Indiana Jones, and Game of Thrones. The focus is on the compositions of Hans Zimmer and John Williams - arguably the greatest masters of their craft. The audience votes during the concert on which music delivers the biggest goosebumps moments. After the concert, the lounge and drinks invite you to linger and end the evening in a summery atmosphere. A highlight for film fans and lovers of great melodies. <br><br>Suitable for children aged 5 and above.
Artistic depiction of the event

Charlie Chaplin: The Great Dictator

Sun, Apr 28, 2024, 20:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Symphoniker Hamburg, Timothy Brock (Conductor)
It’s one of the great masterpieces of film history, »perhaps the most significant film ever produced« (New York Times): with »The Great Dictator«, Charlie Chaplin created not only a satire of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, but also a general manifesto against totalitarianism and war. In the opening week of the Hamburg International Music Festival, which is centred around the theme of »War and Peace«, the film is being screened in the Elbphilharmonie – with the soundtrack performed live by the Symphoniker Hamburg. As with his earlier films, Chaplin was responsible for the script, direction and production on »The Great Dictator«. And he also acted the two main roles: the tyrant Anton Hynkel and the Jewish barber who is terrorised in the ghetto by Hynkel’s stormtroopers. The great similarity between these two characters leads to a mix-up at the end of the film and to that famous speech in which the »wrong« dictator takes to the stage and, in a passionate address, makes a plea for humanity and world peace. »The Great Dictator«, Chaplin’s first sound film, is shown in English with the original soundtrack by Charlie Chaplin and Meredith Willson. Talking about the composition process, Willson explained: »We broke the picture into 70 musical sequences and spent weeks fitting original music to these sequences.« In this process, Chaplin’s role was far more than simply providing the occasional idea: »I have never met a man who devoted himself so completely to the idea of perfection as Charlie Chaplin. I was constantly amazed at his attention to details, his feeling for the exact musical phrase or tempo to express the mood he wanted.« In addition to their original music, Willson and Chaplin made memorable use of two classical works: the scene in which Chaplin as the barber shaves a customer to the rhythms of Johannes Brahms’s Hungarian Dance No. 5 has gone down in film history, as has Hynkel the dictator’s dance with the inflated globe to the sound of Richard Wagner’s Lohengrin prelude.
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This month
In Heidelberg

Gabriela Montero Charlie Chaplins „The Immigrant“

Mon, Mar 31, 2025, 19:30
Gabriela Montero (Piano)
Im Jahr 2018 erhielt Gabriela Montero den Heidelberger Frühling Musikpreis für ihren leidenschaftlichen Einsatz als Musikvermittlerin, gesellschaftliche Brückenbauerin und für ihre großartigen Improvisationen. Als Gastkünstlerin beim „Frühling“ wird sie stets warmherzig von ihrem Publikum empfangen. Doch die Venezolanerin, die seit vielen Jahren fernab ihrer von Krisen erschütterten Heimat lebt, kennt das Fremdsein nur zu gut und hat diesem Gefühl ein Rezital gewidmet. Zu hören sind die Werke von drei Russen, deren Biografien ebenfalls durch ein Leben im Exil geprägt waren: das groteske Lachen Prokofjews, die nüchterne Tonsprache Strawinskys und die Musik des missverstandenen Rachmaninow, dessen Melodien nur allzu oft verramscht wurden. Sie münden in den Chaplin-Stummfilm „The Immigrant“, zu dem Montero live improvisieren wird.Das Konzert endet mit einer Live-Improvisation zum Stummfilm „The Immigrant“ von Charlie Chaplin.Im Anschluss findet ein Künstlergespräch mit Anselm Cybinski im Festivalzentrum statt.*Restored by Lobster Films and Cineteca di Bologna under the aegis of Association Chaplin © Film Preservation Associates Inc., 2012, © Lobster Films
Artistic depiction of the event

Film Concert: Charlie Chaplin »Pay Day« & »The Pilgrim«

Thu, Mar 14, 2024, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Symphoniker Hamburg, Stefanos Tisalis (Conductor)
This traditional film music concert offers a very special feast for the eyes and ears! Two classic silent films by Charlie Chaplin – a master of slapstick who also had a unique talent for exploring social topics with humour and penetrating insight – are projected onto the big screen. »Pay Day« and »Pilgrim« are hilarious yet profound masterpieces by an all-round genius. Chaplin, of course, also composed the virtuosic film music performed by the Symphoniker Hamburg on this evening in accompaniment to the tragicomic hero’s stumbling through a series of absurd situations.