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"Der Sandmann"

Composer Günter Steinke found E.T.A. Hoffmann's "The Sandman" ideal for a musical psychodrama. The piece focuses on Nathanael, who recounts his father's alchemical experiments with Coppelius and his infatuation with the automaton Olympia. The 2021 premiere team, Ensemble Ascolta and Gerhard Mohr, will perform Steinke's "Sandmann" for the NOW! Festival's Halloween opening.

A summary from original text in German | Read the original

Keywords: NOW! Laissez vibrer

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Ensemble Ascolta
Catherine Larsen-MaguireConductor
Gerhard MohrSpeaker


"Der Sandmann" - Szene für Sprecher und sieben Musiker nach einem Text von E.T.A. HoffmannGünter Steinke
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Last update: Sun, Nov 17, 2024, 14:37

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