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Claron McFadden: NINA

Date & Time
Fri, Jun 13, 2025, 20:15
For lovers of chamber music the Recital Hall is the venue of choice. You can hear the musicians breathe and you can practically touch them. This hall is also cherished by musicians for its beautiful acoustics and direct contact with the audience. In the Recital Hall you can hear the best musicians of our time. Buy your tickets now and experience the magic of the Recital Hall for yourself!

Keywords: Vocal Music

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Claron McFaddenSoprano


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Last update: Sat, Mar 8, 2025, 21:46

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Thu, Jun 12, 2025, 20:15
Claron McFadden (Soprano)
For lovers of chamber music the Recital Hall is the venue of choice. You can hear the musicians breathe and you can practically touch them. This hall is also cherished by musicians for its beautiful acoustics and direct contact with the audience. In the Recital Hall you can hear the best musicians of our time. Buy your tickets now and experience the magic of the Recital Hall for yourself!
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For lovers of chamber music the Recital Hall is the venue of choice. You can hear the musicians breathe and you can practically touch them. This hall is also cherished by musicians for its beautiful acoustics and direct contact with the audience. In the Recital Hall you can hear the best musicians of our time. Buy your tickets now and experience the magic of the Recital Hall for yourself!
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Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
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Nina Stemme | Königliches Philharmonisches Orchester Stockholm | Ryan Bancroft

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Nina Stemme (Soprano), Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra (Ensemble), Ryan Bancroft (Conductor)
World-renowned mezzo-soprano Nina Stemme joins the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, now led by Ryan Bancroft, to perform Mahler's poignant "Kindertotenlieder." Preceding this, the orchestra presents a contemporary homage to Liguria by Swedish composer Andrea Tarrodi. The concert concludes with Tchaikovsky's intensely passionate Symphony No. 5.
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Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
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Wagner: Die Walküre

Wed, May 1, 2024, 17:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
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NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra / Alan Gilbert

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Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Susanna Phillips (Soprano), Gerhild Romberger (Alto), Maximilian Schmitt (Tenor), Michael Nagy (Bariton), Dominique Horwitz (Narrator), Alan Gilbert (Conductor)
It only lasts seven minutes, but it is nonetheless monumental: Arnold Schoenberg’s melodrama »Ein Überlebender aus Warschau« (A Survivor from Warsaw). Schoenberg had readopted the Jewish faith, and he wrote the piece, which opens with a fierce trumpet signal, in 1947 to commemorate the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. The score mixes the narrative of a man hiding in the sewers with German commands, martial rhythms – and finally the hopeful Hebrew words »Schma Yisrael«, which the Jews use to prepare for death. The part of the narrator is taken by Dominique Horwitz, himself the son of Jewish parents. The French-German actor and chansonnier is in great demand for performances of literary works of music, from Tom Waits’s »Black Rider« to Stravinsky’s »Histoire du soldat«. And the soloists in the second part of the programme likewise have resounding names: among them are the American soprano Susanna Phillips, alto Gerhild Romberger and baritone Michael Nagy. »War and Peace« is the motto of the Hamburg International Music Festival, and chief conductor Alan Gilbert and his NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra place the emphasis on a work of hope and brotherly love: Beethoven’s world-famous Ninth Symphony. The overwhelming finale culminates in Friedrich Schiller’s lines »All men shall be brothers«, which win the day against all the powers of destruction. Beethoven not only touched a nerve in his own time by ending the symphony with a large-scale chorus of rejoicing: nowadays, everyone is familiar with the melody in the guise of the European anthem. Even the playing time of a compact disc, when the CD format was introduced, was geared to enable Beethoven’s oversized Ninth to be played without a break.
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NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra / Alan Gilbert

Sun, May 5, 2024, 18:00
Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Susanna Phillips (Soprano), Gerhild Romberger (Alto), Maximilian Schmitt (Tenor), Michael Nagy (Bariton), Dominique Horwitz (Narrator), Alan Gilbert (Conductor)
It only lasts seven minutes, but it is nonetheless monumental: Arnold Schoenberg’s melodrama »Ein Überlebender aus Warschau« (A Survivor from Warsaw). Schoenberg had readopted the Jewish faith, and he wrote the piece, which opens with a fierce trumpet signal, in 1947 to commemorate the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. The score mixes the narrative of a man hiding in the sewers with German commands, martial rhythms – and finally the hopeful Hebrew words »Schma Yisrael«, which the Jews use to prepare for death. The part of the narrator is taken by Dominique Horwitz, himself the son of Jewish parents. The French-German actor and chansonnier is in great demand for performances of literary works of music, from Tom Waits’s »Black Rider« to Stravinsky’s »Histoire du soldat«. And the soloists in the second part of the programme likewise have resounding names: among them are the American soprano Susanna Phillips, alto Gerhild Romberger and baritone Michael Nagy. »War and Peace« is the motto of the Hamburg International Music Festival, and chief conductor Alan Gilbert and his NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra place the emphasis on a work of hope and brotherly love: Beethoven’s world-famous Ninth Symphony. The overwhelming finale culminates in Friedrich Schiller’s lines »All men shall be brothers«, which win the day against all the powers of destruction. Beethoven not only touched a nerve in his own time by ending the symphony with a large-scale chorus of rejoicing: nowadays, everyone is familiar with the melody in the guise of the European anthem. Even the playing time of a compact disc, when the CD format was introduced, was geared to enable Beethoven’s oversized Ninth to be played without a break.