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Artistic depiction of the event


Sun, Jun 15, 2025, 17:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Ritter, Zauberinnen, Zauberer, Feen und Dämonen in einem Märchen um Liebe, Rache und Abenteuer: Mit dieser Oper für die ganze Familie von Johann Christian Bach wird es bunt und spannend im Opernhaus! Der tapfere Ritter Amadis wird für den Tod des Bruders von Arcabonne und Arcalaus verantwortlich gemacht. Diese setzen ihre Zauberkraft ein, die bei Arcalaus nicht immer so gut funktioniert, und mobilisieren die dämonische Unterwelt. Plötzlich ist nichts mehr, wie es scheint: Amadis wird von seiner Geliebten Oriane der Untreue beschuldigt und in Arcalaus' Geheimlabor gefangen gehalten, alles scheint verloren ... Aber ist Rache immer der beste Weg? Auch die Mächte des Himmels haben da noch ein Wörtchen mitzusingen. Findet heraus, wie die Sache ausgeht! Zwei Zauberer führen uns durch diese spannende Geschichte mit toller Musik, Videos und einer quietschbunten Bühne.
Artistic depiction of the event


Tue, Dec 3, 2024, 11:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Yura Yang (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event


Sun, Dec 29, 2024, 15:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event


Tue, Dec 17, 2024, 11:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event


Sun, Jun 1, 2025, 15:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event


Mon, Jun 2, 2025, 11:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.