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Concerts with works by
Johann Christian Bach

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Johann Christian Bach, often referred to as the "London Bach," was an influential composer of the Classical era. The eleventh son of Johann Sebastian Bach, he contributed significantly to the development of symphonic and operatic styles in the 18th century, impacting notable composers like Mozart. His work bridged the Baroque and Classical traditions with innovative charm.



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Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Johann Christian Bach is performed

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Schwetzingen

Amor vincitore

Sat, May 24, 2025, 19:00
Julia Lezhneva Sopran (Dalisa), Maayan Licht Sopranist (Alcidoro), Julia Riedler Schauspielerin (Amor), Projektchor der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, IL GUSTO BAROCCO, Jörg Halubek Musikalische Leitung, Sebastian Bauer und Lisa Florentine Schmalz (staatsoper, Hanna Roxane Scherwinski Kostüme, Eike Mann Dramaturgie, Sebastian Alphons Licht
A man in love with a woman who prefers solitude; a god shooting arrows; and then: love. The plot of Johann Christian Bach's play, performed in Schwetzingen in 1774, seems simple at first glance. Pauline Jacob and Lisa Florentine Schmalz from staatsoper24, along with Sebastian Bauer, stage it as audio theater, exploring the roles of Amor vincitore and the freedom of desire, inspired by sculptures in Schwetzingen Palace Garden. Early classical sounds are contrasted with contemporary moments by Patrick Schäfer. Sung parts are complemented by spoken word, costumes reflect the sculptures, and Julia Lezhneva and Maayan Licht deliver virtuoso soprano performances. A student project choir joins Ensemble Il Gusto Barocco under Jörg Halubek.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Schwetzingen

Amor vincitore

Sun, May 25, 2025, 18:00
Julia Lezhneva Sopran (Dalisa), Maayan Licht Sopranist (Alcidoro), Julia Riedler Schauspielerin (Amor), Projektchor der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, IL GUSTO BAROCCO, Jörg Halubek Musikalische Leitung, Sebastian Bauer und Lisa Florentine Schmalz (staatsoper, Hanna Roxane Scherwinski Kostüme, Eike Mann Dramaturgie, Sebastian Alphons Licht
A man in love with a woman who prefers solitude, a god shooting arrows, and then: love. Johann Christian Bach's play, performed in Schwetzingen Palace Theatre in 1774, has a seemingly simple plot. Pauline Jacob and Lisa Florentine Schmalz, along with Sebastian Bauer, reinterpret this forgotten piece, exploring the roles of Alcidoro, Dalisa, and Amor. They blend early classical music with contemporary sounds by Patrick Schäfer, combining singing with spoken word. The performance features Julia Lezhneva and Maayan Licht, accompanied by Il Gusto Barocco and a student choir.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Frankfurt am Main

Londoner Meister

Thu, May 29, 2025, 19:00
Noa Wildschut (Violin), Ivor Bolton (Conductor)
London has always been a music metropolis, and while the musicians who shaped its scene weren't always British, they produced exceptional work. Johann Christian Bach and Joseph Haydn were among these "London Masters." Haydn's final symphonies, including the groundbreaking No. 103 with its unforgettable timpani intro, set new standards. Conductor Ivor Bolton, originally from near Manchester, brings his historically informed approach to the classical symphony orchestra, promising a performance with unique impact.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Frankfurt am Main

Londoner Meister

Fri, May 30, 2025, 20:00
Noa Wildschut (Violin), Ivor Bolton (Conductor)
London has always been a music metropolis, and while the musicians who shaped its scene weren't always British, they produced exceptional work. Johann Christian Bach and Joseph Haydn were among these "London Masters." Haydn's final symphonies, including the groundbreaking No. 103 with its unforgettable timpani intro, set new standards. Conductor Ivor Bolton, originally from near Manchester, brings his historically informed approach to the classical symphony orchestra, promising a performance with unique impact.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Leipzig


Sun, Jun 1, 2025, 15:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Leipzig


Mon, Jun 2, 2025, 11:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Knights, sorceresses, wizards, fairies, and demons clash in a fairytale opera about love, revenge, and adventure, composed by Johann Christian Bach. The brave knight Amadis is wrongly accused of killing Arcabonne and Arcalaus' brother. They unleash their magic, though Arcalaus's is unreliable, and mobilize the demonic underworld. Amadis is imprisoned and all seems lost. But is revenge the answer? Two wizards narrate the story with music, videos, and a colorful stage.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Leipzig


Sun, Jun 15, 2025, 17:00
Gewandhausorchester (Orchestra), Andreas Reize (Conductor), Antje Thoms (Inszenierung)
Ritter, Zauberinnen, Zauberer, Feen und Dämonen in einem Märchen um Liebe, Rache und Abenteuer: Mit dieser Oper für die ganze Familie von Johann Christian Bach wird es bunt und spannend im Opernhaus! Der tapfere Ritter Amadis wird für den Tod des Bruders von Arcabonne und Arcalaus verantwortlich gemacht. Diese setzen ihre Zauberkraft ein, die bei Arcalaus nicht immer so gut funktioniert, und mobilisieren die dämonische Unterwelt. Plötzlich ist nichts mehr, wie es scheint: Amadis wird von seiner Geliebten Oriane der Untreue beschuldigt und in Arcalaus' Geheimlabor gefangen gehalten, alles scheint verloren ... Aber ist Rache immer der beste Weg? Auch die Mächte des Himmels haben da noch ein Wörtchen mitzusingen. Findet heraus, wie die Sache ausgeht! Zwei Zauberer führen uns durch diese spannende Geschichte mit toller Musik, Videos und einer quietschbunten Bühne.