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Classical Concerts at
Halle 424


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These concerts at Halle 424 became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

1. Blaues Konzert

Wed, Oct 8, 2025, 19:30
Omer Meir Wellber, Musiker:innen des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg
Under the direction of Omer Meir Wellber, the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra is adding a colorful accent to the season: THE BLUE WEEK. The new festival replaces the former Academy Concerts and combines unique works and programs on the one hand and showcases the special qualities of our orchestra musicians on the other. In the first edition, they make metamorphoses of all kinds audible - for example, in the first festival concert with Boulez's groundbreaking and enigmatic work Le Marteau sans maître, the instruments mutate into singing voices, while the singer repeatedly takes on a sound role without text. In a labyrinthine way, the work itself unfolds all its characteristics from a single small cell, as if from the sequence of our genetic information, from which first an embryo and then everything else emerges, without anyone arbitrarily intervening from outside. Sans maître - without a master - which means that although the composer has devised the laws of this act of creation, at a certain point the work generates itself like a living creative being, an autonomous morphogenesis. “There is no doubt that Le Marteau sans maître is not only one of the young Frenchman's most remarkable works, it also embodies a very specific ideal of form and sound that is typical of a part of today's avant-garde. It is the ideal of a feminine sensuality dipped in vibrato jelly, a feline hyper-refinement in which the velvety paws of the alto flute caress a deep female voice, which is, however, far more frequently scratched by the spread claws of xylorimba, maracas and claves. The sadistic aspect manifests itself with a strange level-headedness, as if clad in silk gloves: the corpses are hardly mauled, but dissected with very systematic and gentle cuts - a voluptuous exercise in aestheticizing cruelty, carried out by a truly aristocratic torturer with tweezers instead of a cleaver. René Char's melancholic-sadistic-surrealistic texts are sucked by the music into a labyrinth of high-pitched lamentations, into an ever more finely branching tracery of delicate sounds that only bites gently.” György Ligeti (1959)

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts at Halle 424 in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This month
In Hamburg

3. Thematic concert

Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 19:30
Hugo Moinet (Violin), Yitong Guo (Viola), Olivia Jeremias (Cello), Katharina von Held (Double Bass), Manuela Tyllack (Flute), Sevgi Özsever (Oboe), Christian Seibold (Clarinet), Minju Kim (Bassoon)
This season the Philharmonic State Orchestra's Music and Science series celebrates its 10th anniversary. A reason to look forward! Into the future, to what science and music will have to say in 2025. As a new cooperation partner on the path of unlimited possibilities, we welcome “Science Slam”, who are experts in bringing the latest research findings to the stage in a short, concise and scientifically correct manner. In order to convey the issue in an understandable and entertaining way, all aids are permitted. In the three themed concerts this season, music and science will be experienced less as complementary opposites than as complementary fields of creativity. Nothing less than the future is being negotiated: the current scientific breakthroughs, which will explode on three evenings in specially tailored chamber music programs by the musicians of the Philharmonic State Orchestra.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Hamburg

1. Blaues Konzert

Wed, Oct 8, 2025, 19:30
Omer Meir Wellber, Musiker:innen des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg
Under the direction of Omer Meir Wellber, the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra is adding a colorful accent to the season: THE BLUE WEEK. The new festival replaces the former Academy Concerts and combines unique works and programs on the one hand and showcases the special qualities of our orchestra musicians on the other. In the first edition, they make metamorphoses of all kinds audible - for example, in the first festival concert with Boulez's groundbreaking and enigmatic work Le Marteau sans maître, the instruments mutate into singing voices, while the singer repeatedly takes on a sound role without text. In a labyrinthine way, the work itself unfolds all its characteristics from a single small cell, as if from the sequence of our genetic information, from which first an embryo and then everything else emerges, without anyone arbitrarily intervening from outside. Sans maître - without a master - which means that although the composer has devised the laws of this act of creation, at a certain point the work generates itself like a living creative being, an autonomous morphogenesis. “There is no doubt that Le Marteau sans maître is not only one of the young Frenchman's most remarkable works, it also embodies a very specific ideal of form and sound that is typical of a part of today's avant-garde. It is the ideal of a feminine sensuality dipped in vibrato jelly, a feline hyper-refinement in which the velvety paws of the alto flute caress a deep female voice, which is, however, far more frequently scratched by the spread claws of xylorimba, maracas and claves. The sadistic aspect manifests itself with a strange level-headedness, as if clad in silk gloves: the corpses are hardly mauled, but dissected with very systematic and gentle cuts - a voluptuous exercise in aestheticizing cruelty, carried out by a truly aristocratic torturer with tweezers instead of a cleaver. René Char's melancholic-sadistic-surrealistic texts are sucked by the music into a labyrinth of high-pitched lamentations, into an ever more finely branching tracery of delicate sounds that only bites gently.” György Ligeti (1959)