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Classical concerts featuring
Shibe Sean


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Concerts featuring Shibe Sean in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
In Berlin


Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 19:30
Nikolovska Ema (Mezzo-Soprano), Shibe Sean (Guitar), Shibe Sean (Electric Guitar)
ORLANDO, THE ETERNAL ADVENTURER In a highly original program for mezzo­-soprano and guitar, Ema Nikolovska and Sean Shibe trace the legendary troubadour’s story through space and time. Journeying from the medieval Chanson de Roland to Ariosto’s famous epic, to Virginia Woolf ’s 1928 novel, they explore fantastical worlds and encounter the great adventures of life: love, conflict, and the search for one’s own identity. Works by Franz Schubert, Detlef Glanert, Thomas Adès, and others, as well as newly commissioned pieces by Sasha Scott and Cassandra Miller provide the musical tapestry.