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Classical concerts featuring
Nationaal Jeugdorkest


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New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Nationaal Jeugdorkest became visible lately at Concert Pulse.

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Amsterdam

Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet

Sun, Aug 10, 2025, 20:00
Nationaal Jeugdorkest, Elias Grandy (Conductor)
The SummerConcerts powered by VriendenLoterij presents two months of wonderful concerts, from classical to jazz and from pop to film music. Top musicians from the Netherlands and around the world bring you all your favourite classical pieces, as well as video game music and hits from Broadway musicals.We also present a host of young talent in our summer concerts, including youth orchestras from Greece, Australia and Cuba, and top young classical soloists. After many of the concerts, we offer a meet-and-greet with the artists in an informal setting, or an afterparty with DJ in the Entrance Hall. In one of the world’s finest concert halls, there’s something for everyone this summer at The Concertgebouw!

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Nationaal Jeugdorkest in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Amsterdam

Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet

Sun, Aug 10, 2025, 20:00
Nationaal Jeugdorkest, Elias Grandy (Conductor)
The SummerConcerts powered by VriendenLoterij presents two months of wonderful concerts, from classical to jazz and from pop to film music. Top musicians from the Netherlands and around the world bring you all your favourite classical pieces, as well as video game music and hits from Broadway musicals.We also present a host of young talent in our summer concerts, including youth orchestras from Greece, Australia and Cuba, and top young classical soloists. After many of the concerts, we offer a meet-and-greet with the artists in an informal setting, or an afterparty with DJ in the Entrance Hall. In one of the world’s finest concert halls, there’s something for everyone this summer at The Concertgebouw!