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In München

Watch This Space | Alisa Weilerstein & friends

Wed, Jun 4, 2025, 19:00
Alisa Weilerstein (Cello), Members of the BRSO
Consummately skilled, emotionally invested, and of rare interpretive depth – these are just a few of Alisa Weilerstein’s qualities. The American is one of the foremost cellists of her time. “Weilerstein is a throwback to an earlier age of classical performers: not content merely to serve as a vessel for the composer’s wishes, she inhabits a piece fully and turns it to her own ends,” marvelled The New York Times. And the Los Angeles Times added: “Weilerstein’s cello is her id. She doesn’t give the impression that making music involves will at all. She and the cello seem simply to be one and the same.” You can experience her artistry up close in an all-Shostakovich program at this Watch-This-Space concert.