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Classical concerts featuring
Marc-Olivier Dupin


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Marc-Olivier Dupin

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Concerts featuring Marc-Olivier Dupin in season 2024/25 or later

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Next month
In Paris

Émile fait la musique

Sat, Apr 5, 2025, 11:00
Philharmonie de Paris, Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Paris)
Orchestre national d’Île-de-France, Marc-Olivier Dupin (Conductor), Guillaume Marquet (Narrator), Laurent Sarazin (Vidéo)
Since 2015, the adventures of the facetious Émile, by author Vincent Cuvellier and illustrator Ronan Badel, also exist as a musical tale. Orchestrated by Marc-Olivier Dupin, this colourful show is performed by Guillaume Marquet.