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Classical concerts featuring
Müller Fabian


Quick overview of musician Müller Fabian by associated keywords

CitiesFrequently performs in


ProgramFrequently performs

Ludwig van Beethoven
Works by
Ludwig van Beethoven

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Müller Fabian in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
Next week
In Berlin


Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 16:00
Müller Fabian (Piano)
When Fabian Müller made his Pierre Boulez Saal debut in January 2022, his memorable performance of Beethoven’s monumental “Hammerklavier” Sonata confirmed his reputation as one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. Now the ARD Competition winner, who was born in 1990 in Beethoven’s hometown of Bonn, takes on the challenge of presenting all the composer’s sonatas as a complete cycle. Dubbed the “New Testament” of piano music by Hans von Bülow— Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier was known as the “Old Testament”—the 32 works will be heard over the course of eight Sunday-afternoon concerts. Completing the individual programs are short pieces newly composed by Müller himself, in which he expresses his reflexions on Beethoven’s sonatas.
Artistic depiction of the event
Next week
In Berlin


Mon, Mar 17, 2025, 10:30
Müller Fabian (Piano)
“Parental Leave” concerts are aimed at all new mothers and fathers (as well as uncles, aunts, grand­ parents…) who would like to experience music together with their babies in a relaxed setting. The number of seats is limited, and all amenities to make your visit as pleasant as possible are provided in the lobby. These concerts, featuring Pierre Boulez Saal artists performing excerpts from their programs, are approximately 45 minutes long and intended exclusively for visitors with babies aged 12 months and younger.
Artistic depiction of the event
Next month
In Berlin


Sun, Apr 6, 2025, 16:00
Müller Fabian (Piano)
When Fabian Müller made his Pierre Boulez Saal debut in January 2022, his memorable performance of Beethoven’s monumental “Hammerklavier” Sonata confirmed his reputation as one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. Now the ARD Competition winner, who was born in 1990 in Beethoven’s hometown of Bonn, takes on the challenge of presenting all the composer’s sonatas as a complete cycle. Dubbed the “New Testament” of piano music by Hans von Bülow— Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier was known as the “Old Testament”—the 32 works will be heard over the course of eight Sunday-afternoon concerts. Completing the individual programs are short pieces newly composed by Müller himself, in which he expresses his reflexions on Beethoven’s sonatas.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Berlin


Sun, May 18, 2025, 18:00
Müller Fabian (Piano)
When Fabian Müller made his Pierre Boulez Saal debut in January 2022, his memorable performance of Beethoven’s monumental “Hammerklavier” Sonata confirmed his reputation as one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. Now the ARD Competition winner, who was born in 1990 in Beethoven’s hometown of Bonn, takes on the challenge of presenting all the composer’s sonatas as a complete cycle. Dubbed the “New Testament” of piano music by Hans von Bülow— Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier was known as the “Old Testament”—the 32 works will be heard over the course of eight Sunday-afternoon concerts. Completing the individual programs are short pieces newly composed by Müller himself, in which he expresses his reflexions on Beethoven’s sonatas.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Berlin


Sun, Jun 1, 2025, 18:00
Müller Fabian (Piano)
When Fabian Müller made his Pierre Boulez Saal debut in January 2022, his memorable performance of Beethoven’s monumental “Hammerklavier” Sonata confirmed his reputation as one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. Now the ARD Competition winner, who was born in 1990 in Beethoven’s hometown of Bonn, takes on the challenge of presenting all the composer’s sonatas as a complete cycle. Dubbed the “New Testament” of piano music by Hans von Bülow— Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier was known as the “Old Testament”—the 32 works will be heard over the course of eight Sunday-afternoon concerts. Completing the individual programs are short pieces newly composed by Müller himself, in which he expresses his reflexions on Beethoven’s sonatas.