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Classical concerts featuring
Felix Kemp


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Works by
Jan Dismas Zelenka

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Concerts featuring Felix Kemp in season 2024/25 or later

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Next month
In Köln

Tenebrae – Ensemble Diderot

Thu, Apr 17, 2025, 21:00
Mathilde Ortscheidt (Alto), Nicholas Scott (Tenor), Felix Kemp (Bass), Ensemble Diderot (Ensemble)
Music for Holy Week by Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka is one of the greatest discoveries of the Baroque repertoire, comparable to Bach. Award-winning young vocal soloists and the playful Ensemble Diderot make it a delight. They present a jewel of sacred music: Zelenka's settings of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, highly expressive music for the soul.