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Classical concerts featuring
Christophe Dumaux


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Concerts featuring Christophe Dumaux in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In London

The English Concert/Bicket

Sun, May 11, 2025, 18:00
Barbican Centre, Barbican Hall (London)
The English Concert, Harry Bicket (Conductor), Louise Alder (Cleopatra), Christophe Dumaux (Cesare), Paula Murrihy (Sesto), Beth Taylor (Cornelia), John Holiday (Tolomeo)
A runaway hit at its 1724 premiere, Louise Alder stars in Giulio Cesare - arguably Handel’s most popular operatic creation – a drama teeming with passion and political skulduggery.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Berlin

In the snake pit: Les Accents and Thibault Noally

Mon, May 19, 2025, 20:00
Philharmonie Berlin, Chamber Music Hall (Berlin)
Les Accents (Ensemble), Thibault Noally (Violin), Thibault Noally (Director), Carlo Vistoli (Countertenor), Bruno de Sá (Countertenor), David Hansen (Countertenor), Christophe Dumaux (Countertenor), Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian (Countertenor), Mélissa Petit (Soprano)
begin to doubt God. In His rage, He sends a plague of snakes. What can help now? Johann Adolf Hasse expresses the whole range of human emotions in his music to Serpentes ignei in deserto: Anger, fear, hope, confidence. The ensemble Les Accents, founded by baroque violinist Thibault Noally, delights audiences with its fresh and unconventional style of music-making, and is regarded as a leading ensemble on the early music scene. The ensemble has rediscovered this striking oratorio by Dresden court conductor Hasse.