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Chianti Ensemble


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In Amsterdam

Mahler Festival: Chianti Ensemble with Mahler and more

Sun, May 11, 2025, 11:00
Chianti Ensemble
In the Recital Hall this week, you will hear the 'other side' of Mahler: works for just a few musicians. In two Sunday Morning Concerts, these come together with those of Mahler's contemporaries and friends. Today, the Chianti Ensemble performs, among others, the Piano Quartet, Mahler's only remaining chamber work.Mahler wrote his Piano Quartet as a teenager. Certainly for Mahler's standards, it is very romantic, Schumannesque - and unfinished. A first movement is complete, but only a few bars of the scherzo exist. The piece was recovered by his widow Alma Mahler in the 1960s. The Chianti Ensemble, operating from the Netherlands, consists of five internationally sought-after soloists, and today performs Mahler's quartet alongside pieces by Webern and Dvořák.