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Classical concerts featuring
Caroline Richards Regie


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Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Caroline Richards Regie in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Schwetzingen


Fri, May 9, 2025, 09:30
Lisa Furtner Schauspiel (Puppenspiel), Rebekah Wild Puppenbau, Matthias Werner Arrangements, Cornelia Voglmayr Choreografie, Ragna Heiny Ausstattung, Caroline Richards Regie, Sabrina Hager Regieassistenz, VIVID CONSORT, Christine Gnigler Blockflöte (Singer), Lorina Vallaster Blockflöte (Singer), Sheng-Fang Chiu Blockflöte
Three recorder players take control of their lives. Amidst concert preparations, they journey through a magic mirror to a whimsical parallel universe. There, everything's upside down, and they face a mysterious task. With courage, curiosity, and passion, they must save the fairy-tale land of fantasy, dreams, and art. They get help from fabulous creatures—and from music. Will they succeed and return to our world and their concert?
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Schwetzingen


Fri, May 9, 2025, 11:00
Lisa Furtner Schauspiel (Puppenspiel), Rebekah Wild Puppenbau, Matthias Werner Arrangements, Cornelia Voglmayr Choreografie, Ragna Heiny Ausstattung, Caroline Richards Regie, Sabrina Hager Regieassistenz, VIVID CONSORT, Christine Gnigler Blockflöte (Singer), Lorina Vallaster Blockflöte (Singer), Sheng-Fang Chiu Blockflöte
Three recorder players take control of their lives. Amidst concert preparations, they journey through a magic mirror to a whimsical parallel universe. There, everything's upside down, and they face a mysterious task. With courage, curiosity, and passion, they must save the fairy-tale land of fantasy, dreams, and art. They get help from fabulous creatures—and from music. Will they succeed and return to our world and their concert?