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Classical concerts featuring
Boulez Ensemble


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Concerts featuring Boulez Ensemble in season 2024/25 or later

Artistic depiction of the event
This month
In Berlin


Sun, Mar 23, 2025, 16:00
Pintscher Matthias (Conductor), Boulez Ensemble (Ensemble)
A few days before Pierre Boulez’s 100th birthday, Matthias Pintscher and the Boulez Ensemble celebrate the composer, who passed away in 2016, with a perfor­ mance of sur Incises, his last major ensemble work. The program also includes Debussy’s Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp as well as Pintscher’s own beyond II (bridge over troubled water). Scored for the same combina­ tion of three instruments, it received its premiere as part of the digital Festival of New Music in the summer of 2020 and is now heard live at the Pierre Boulez Saal for the first time.
Artistic depiction of the event
This season
In Berlin


Fri, Jun 20, 2025, 19:30
Benjamin George (Conductor), Boulez Ensemble (Ensemble)
During Pierre Boulez’s tenure as music director of the BBC Symphony Orchestra in the early 1970s, the BBC produced a series of TV documentaries that intro­duced the young George Benjamin to the music of composers such as Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Varèse, and Ives. Not long afterward, while still a teenager, he began his composition studies with Boulez’s former teacher Olivier Messiaen. Now one of the foremost musicians of our time, Benjamin closes the Pierre Boulez Saal season, appearing in multiple artistic capacities. Leading the Boulez Ensemble, he conducts Boulez’s …explosante-fixe… of 1993 in addition to his own Three Inventions and Oliver Knussen’s Two Organa, written in 1995.